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  • stop. No entry. Active runway. - replace all faded with signs in works storage
  • surface marking

vehicles / taxiways

28june ground traffic safety forum

outcome * ongoing concern - need to understand actual problem - type, frequency > gather information * study possible solutions / deterrents * process - review / improve

  • publicize
  • 5 whys - questions, solutions, priorities
  • issues - residents, guests, aircraft (wings), vehicles (wheels), feet / pedestrians - chart / matrix with guestimates
  • locations
  • information gathering - actual vs imagined - later as data available

2016 june

  •  ?? 6.28 3pm - forum - community working group * put out some problems, possible solutions for community review * get feedback, input, comments, suggestions * discuss authority / process for actions on important items ?? Dave's notes
  • announcement, channel, front gate, sc today email, 7fl6committee * agenda - brief * sign-in sheet - volunteer yes? how? * close call survey - show * photos - problem spots, questions, suggestions - list ? public * update magazine future topics * speed - taxi * NEXT - priorities

  • 6.10 ground safety forum ? wed June 28 3pm requested - informal, residents issues, pictures of problem areas, discussion, suggestions, types of fixes that would be effective. enlist volunteers, reporting form - runway / multi-use / shared - get me out of here safety
  • June 2016 Update - first article
  • july article - taxiing submitted

  • 2016 may * scenario planning * remove pathway outline tape - loose on taxiway, potential hazard. * 2016.5.9 - cessna / seclusion lights, signs. lima path - 3 options - clear only, nature train, india to cessna. pedestrian crosswalk across beech - hangers to downwind. welcome info, directory - edit, consolidate * 2016.5 draft submitted - Update article - recap of safety in wow presentation + Kathy, web site
  • 2016.3.15 Kathy, Jean, Valerie - airport safety presentation at WOW - web site, safety video, presentation, Q&A

Airport Ground Traffic Safety Documentation

Just ground traffic information. Other than operating aircraft

  • POA directory
  • proposed insert
  • scpoa web site
  • welcome package

airport7fl6 web site

  • taxiing p.8 Pilots will taxi at a reasonable and safe speed. The speed limit on all taxiways and ramp areas is 15 mph. Aircraft always have the right of way.
  • p.9 Taxiways Beach, Cessna, Lindy Loop, D, E, Tony and Aces Alley are dual use (auto traffic is permitted, however aircraft have the right of way).
  • p.10 All aircraft operating at the Airport must have liability insurance. It is the responsibility of the resident or tenant extending an invitation to make all invitee pilotsaware of the transit parking locations, restrictions, operating rules, and procedures of this airport. All aircraft parking on ramp must display a name and phone number and Spruce Creek contact on the glare shield. Invitee Aircraft Parking: One Day Parking Guest/Visitor Ramp Parking areas at the north and south side of Cessna Blvd., behind blue lines are designated guest parking areas.
  • p.11 helicopters - Taxiing - Hover taxiing is permitted only over the north end of Beech, the west end of Cessna, and between the runway and North Helicopter Parking Pad without prior permission by the airport manager.
  • Hover taxi to a designated helipad without delay. After shutdown, the helicopter must be towed to a suitable parking area.


  • specific intersections
  • solutions - problem
  • decoding airport signs
  • web site tour - explained
  • taxiways - speed limit 15 for all, pavement + at sc, less than pavement at nsb, lines
  • airport markings - airplane drivers, everyone else
  • navigation - instructions on visitor pass, what, why - did you know
  • directory insert
  • airport ident - why do I need to know this?
  • 3fold 8.5 x ll - real estate
  • safety day - activities, food, celebration
  • launch - dave back, oversee


Wings, Wheels and Feet / Walkers

Help keep community safe for everyone. This is a unique community where planes, vehicles and pedestrians share miles of paved roads, taxiways and paths. Everyone needs to do their part to stay safe at all times.

Wings - aircraft, helicopters

  • Aircraft have the right of way - Pilots have responsibilities for safe ground operation too.
  • Taxi slowly enough to stop in an emergency - Airplanes don't brake quickly, propellers don't instantly
  • Watch for approaching and crossing Wheels, Walkers - Don't be fiddling with navigation screens, instruments, radios or doing pre-flight checks while taxiing.
  • Remember - most people are not pilots. They don't know the rules. They don't understand the signs. You do, so you need to watch out for them. Plan accordingly.

Wheels - cars, trucks, motorcycles, golf carts, bicycles

  • Use only the airport ground surfaces that is designed multi-use - Most taxiways are for aircraft only.
  • Keep well clear of the Runway - The runway is marked Aircraft Only.
  • Use extreme caution - Stop at all stop signs, intersections
  • Move well clear of approaching traffic - Wings may extend well beyond pavement. Spinning propellers are not visible.

Feet / Walkers - pedestrians, kids, dogs - in addition to cautions for Wheels

  • Think Safety - You are most vulnerable.
  • Keep clear - All other airport ground traffic is bigger, faster and harder to stop than you are.
  • Make sure other traffic can see you - day or night. Use lights, reflective, light clothing especially after dark
  • Listen, check behind - Traffic may be coming from any direction including from behind.

Areas of confusion

  • runway signs / taxiway signs - say no traffic, but some allowed on taxiways - need way to make bigger distinction between normal airport / aviation signs and special case Spruce Creek usage

  • ask - objective - avoid / reduce close encounters between aircraft and non-aircraft - walkers, dog, bikes, golf cart + vehicles - commercial, residents, visitors * measure current, amount of improvement * scope - how severe is problem, how much time, effort, $$ for what improvement? * survey - incidents, where, who ? record
  • imagine * separate - physical, rules, enforcement * share - awareness, guidance, signs
  • plan, create - test assumptions * people will use separate path * signs help / solve problem * gate handout helps
  • improve - survey, track, compare with objective, revise


2016.3.7 Survey to collect information about past "close calls" to get a better idea of the types of safety issues. The primary concern is for airplanes and walkers but we would be interested in documenting any other "close encounters'

Close calls - complete the survey. You will be entered in the random drawing for a 7FL6 Safety t-shirt

  • Who was involved? (Check all that apply) plane pedestrian bicycle golfcart car commercial vehicle kids dogs
  • When? last month previous year historical observation don't remember
  • Where? runway taxiway shared road/taxiway Lindy Loop Echo Cessna
  • Time of day? early morning daytime evening night
  • Any communication / discussion? Any action taken?

Could have been avoided if

  • path for walking bicycles golf carts
  • signs for designated traffic
  • community awareness presentations
  • include safety in new resident orientation
  • web site
  • Would you be willing to wear a 7FL6 Safety t-shirt

action items

  • google group - shared emails
  •  ?? visitor handout
  •  ?? EAA meeting rollout
  • 2016.02.17 - 10am - poa board open forum
  • 2016.02.16 - Dave - graphic, 1/2 sheet for security * race week, lots of visitors
  • 2016.02.16 - airport committee, poa update, approval for go-ahead
  • 2016.02.16 - safety committee - bob m
  • 2016.02.16 - safety subcommittee - plan, footpath along lima - scope, bushwhack, mow. dave - brand, paint on asphalt, security handouts, t-shirts, awareness
  • 2016.02.14 - mark suggested path, trees for removal, public review, poa / airport committee


  • signs, marking - preferred routes, crossing warnings,
  • awareness education - all sc clubs, gatherings - materials, presentations, inserts for newsletters, emails, table cards
  •  ? consolidate / consistent information - maintain single source, everyone link ? who owns & maintains ? joint effort
  • walking / cart path - paint, add along lima
  • reflective stickers, patches for safety school completion
  • security / poa / residents / guests security - can / can't do, need to know - procedures - enforcement, tools, reporting, followup, review / revise * bylaws


  • 2016.02.12 - deb - wow, sctoday
  • 2016.02.12 - lenny metal sign frames 18x24 - trail maps ? dave. pat - no at flying club - social only
  • 2016.02.12 - safety subcommittee - plan, footpath along lima - scope, bushwhack, mow. dave - brand, paint on asphalt, security handouts, t-shirts, awareness

2016.02.09 - community open info gathering, suggestions, committee of 7

  • awareness - pilots, taxiway/runway users, security
  • practices, tools to be better community
  • range of actions - some immediate / quick, some longer time to implement
  • communication - roles, responsibilities - right of way, usage, courtesy
  • distribution - email, web, cd, flyers, cards / postcards
  • reminders, reinforcement, tracking, improvement
  • celebrate success
  • education, formal / informal training - regular, frequent, updates
  • events - focus specific, add-on to general ? POA, security
  • publication - Update, POA directory, online, emails, SCTV + flying club, EAA, WOW ? garden club,...
  • schedule - regular review, promotions, events
  • cooperation / coordination - work together - communication, practice / process, formalized review / revise - what works, cbb
  • information / document management - multiple sources, coordination, updates - poa, airport, others

education / recommend / preference

  • by location - Tree / Cessna, Downwind, Lima, Lindy Loop / Echo
  • by type - planes, vehicles (cars, trucks), golf carts, pedestrians, bicycles, pets * contractors, delivery, visitors, customers / clients


ownership, responsibility, updates - dated ** most of these have some information that is out of date


media type="custom" key="28625009" align="right" width="72" height="72" 2016.6

2016.02.16 Ask them what they think is wrong ... —and then challenge them to make it better.

Close calls survey - google form

safety 1/2 page - security handout

rules of the road

[& Departure Package] - show dual use taxiways

  • a limited number of local rules and procedures have been established to promote a safe and enjoyable airport. All residents, tenants and invitees are required to abide by these rules and procedures. By using the Spruce Creek Airport and facilities you indicate your acceptance of and agree to be bound by the terms of the Spruce Creek Airport Procedures and any subsequent amendments.
  • Taxiing: Pilots will taxi at a reasonable and safe speed. The speed limit on all taxiways and ramp areas is 15 mph.
  • Aircraft always have the right of way.
  • Taxiways: The Airport has approximately 8 miles of taxiways. Taxiways Beach and Cessna are 100 ft. wide. Taxiways A, B, C, D, and E are 50 ft. wide. All other taxiways are 60 ft. wide. Taxiways Beach , Cessna, Lindy Loop, D, E, Tony and Aces Alley are dual use (auto traffic is permitted, however aircraft have the right of way)
  • It is the responsibility of the resident or tenant extending an invitation to make all invitee pilots aware of the transit parking locations, restrictions, operating rules, and procedures of this airport.
  • Helicopters must be towed to helicopter parking adjacent to the runway at Beech, Cessna, or Echo prior to start-up.

  • [Procedures] mostly same as arrival / departure package, more information
  • new comer package - 2005 (Jean)
  • POA directory ? Joan Harter
  • brochure - real estate offices

Other resources

  • [Safety Briefing JanFeb2016] - Compliance is expected and required of everyone who operates in the National Airspace System, or NAS. Compliance means following the rules, but it also means going beyond the rules by taking proactive measures to find problems and fix them to manage or mitigate the risk they create in the system.
  • In

most cases, failure to comply with the rules happens as the result of things like lack of training, lack of knowledge, diminished skills, or procedures that are not working as they should. It’s not okay to do nothing when these errors occur, because they can have serious safety consequence in our highly complex airspace. But the correct response to inadvertent errors is not blame, which looks backward and focuses on punishment for what’s already happened. Rather, we seek accountability, which takes responsibility and looks forward. Accountability is about finding the problem, using the most effective tools to fix it, and monitoring to be sure it stays fixed into the future.