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With Valerie as your Spruce Creek Fly-In real estate agent, you’re getting someone who understands aviation lifestyles and communities and can help you find your perfect home here in “the Creek”.

Valerie has a diverse background in technology, business, and teaching, Valerie holds a master’s degree in Education..Having worked in various fields, including small businesses, Silicon Valley tech start-ups, Fortune 500 companies and education, she’s also gained valuable client relationship skills.

Outside of work, Valerie is a licensed pilot and enjoys flying. Valerie is a member of the Daytona Chapter of the Ninety Nines, and EAA Chapter 288 Daytona. Valerie and her husband settled in the Spruce Creek Fly-In community in 2010, after learning about Spruce Creek Fly-In in an AOPA Summit seminar on aviation community living.