From WikiEducator
- Makerspaces are collaborative learning environments where people come together to share materials and learn new skills… makerspaces are not necessarily born out of a specific set of materials or spaces, but rather a mindset of community partnership, collaboration, and creation.
- enchantment: sustained, voluntary delight that is mutually beneficial
- innovation - change, continuous learning, and understanding
- who can use - kids, supervision, rules, hours of operation, access, max number of kids in room, noise
- will teachers come with kids - class
- teaching, learning, formal, self-directed - engineering design process, tinkering, design thinking
- kinds of projects - tools, supplies
- what do kids want - iWanna box—where kids can leave book suggestions. advisory board
- complement Dave VanSlyke's room / projects, regulars - power tools, metal, paint / ventilation, anything that he wants covered elsewhere
- limits - not permitted, not feasible
- yes/no ? electronics, 3D printer, require safety glasses
- iPads, apps, computers - videos, tutorials, news, recording, editing, drawing, 3D design, CAD
- accidents, first aid
- plumbing, electricity, surface protection
- clean-up, maintenance
- supplies inventories / ordering
- display, promotion, sharing, publishing
- community - collaboration, learning
- product, service - beneficial, purpose
- coding, programming
- create apps, games - Scratch. mobile
- "crafts" - cheap easy projects - suggestions, materials
- community experts - work with kids on special project
- workshops, regular "meeting" - structure, topic, show and tell, teach new skill
- Minecraft
- competitions, awards - internal, external - design challenges eg. catapult
- Arduino (a microcontroller) by building a few simple projects like our “Magic 8 Ball” and a light-sensitive Theremin (a musical instrument that is controlled by hand motions)
- Spheros, MaKey MaKey, littleBits, Raspberry Pi kits, Makedo (make anything with cardboard), LED throwie kits, copper tape, and Hummingbird Robotic kits, Snap Circuits. more...
- monthly theme
- girls-only group Circuit Girls. paper circuits by combining electronic journaling with digital notebook hacking. integrate a love of writing with the awesome power of coding and technology
Scenario planning
- expectations - range
- worst case - triggers
- review, evaluate, revise
- one-time - furniture, storage
- consumables - cardboard, fabric, yarn, wood, newspaper
- special projects / requests
- ?? sewing machine, hand tools, craft knives
- donations - lego, nxt controller, lego motors
- regulars - levels, responsibilities
- challenges - material of the week, maker "camp", kits (bristle bot)
- encourage peer teaching
- ? introduction session, check-out, approved-to-use
Learn more...
- Learn more... - diigo rss - k-8, maker - date="" max=12 - dynamic list page
- - video
- - lengthy article covering multiple years, lots of references to materials, resources
- -extensive resources list