Learning Literacies - Use It
Use It - Technology Operations and Concepts
- To learn about learning in a digital world, we start out using the basic technologies. Regardless of the digital environment - desktop, laptop, mobile, it is important to be able to find information and write about it.
Time on Task
Time plus energy equals learning. There is no substitute for time on task. Learning to use one's time well is critical for students and professionals alike. Everyone needs help in learning effective time management. Allocating realistic amounts of time is important to effective learning. Defining time expectations can establish the basis of high performance in school and in personal life.
Contact Between Students and Faculty
Frequent student-faculty contact in and out of classes is important to motivation and involvement. Faculty can help you through rough times and to help you keep on track. Knowing what you know and don't know focuses learning. You need appropriate feedback on performance to benefit from courses. When getting started, you may need help in assessing existing knowledge and competence. In class, you need frequent opportunities to perform and receive suggestions for improvement. At various points during college, and at the end, you need chances to reflect on what you have learned, what you still need to know, and how to assess yourself.
Learning outcomes
- demonstrate a sound understanding of digital tools and technology concepts, systems, and operations.
- review the basic skills of working in a digital learning environment - search, write, copy, paste
- participate in an online discussion
- use digital applications effectively
- demonstrate how to name, move, paste, covert digital content
- have strategies to effectively troubleshoot problems.
- text, write, edit, copy, paste, save, transfer, digital citizen
Study notes
- How are technologies or programs used for assignments?
- Which internet sites are helpful for finding information for assignments?
- How do Digital Citizen behave and why is this important for academic success?
- What are some time management tips that can help you organize school work?
- How can technology be used to provide interaction with the instructor and other students in an online class?
There is no textbook for this course. There a number of selected Media listed as resources for each module. You don't need to study them all. Browse through SEVERAL and find a couple to review in detail. Or find your own...
- The 6-Step Guide To Becoming A Better Learner - Learning is about enriching our minds, honing our skills, and changing the way we see ourselves and the world. It improves our behavior and the way we think by expanding and challenging our understanding. All too often I met students who were waiting for learning to happen, waiting for the right teacher to teach in the right way. But waiting can easily be disguised as productive—it isn’t. There are practices you can engage in right now that puts you on the path of self-education.
- Learning How to Learn - selected short videos produced by students. These videos talk about different strategies for learning.
Digital Citizenship
- Digital Citizenship - “the self-monitored habits that sustain and improve the digital communities you enjoy or depend on.”
- The Definition Of Digital Citizenship - student-friendly approach by defining digital citizenship in terms of its actions and habits: using, sifting, mastering, creating–the literal actions that ultimately define the tone of a student’s interactions with their digital environments. graphic
- 20 Basic Rules For Digital Citizenship - summary of appropriate online behavior in general, and for distance learning courses
- Web Literacies - Exploring, Building, Connecting - weekly discussions - competency from each strand
Time management, Planning
- 26 Time Management Hacks I Wish I'd Known at 20
- Time Management Ninja - blog with frequent tips for managing your time, including keeping your car clean
- Drop the "busy” excuse - But should we be glorifying busy? Are we really overworked or have we just lost focus on the most important elements of our job?
- Top 50 YouTube videos for college students - college life, study tips, research, tools
- The SCIENCE Behind a Successful Student
- Habits of Mind for the New Year: 10 Steps to Actually Accomplish Your Resolutions - written by a teacher for the beginning of the year but these suggestions can help you to reach your goals any time of the year.
- Introduction to Expert Learning - self-regulated learning process - planning one's learning; monitoring progress while implementing the plan; and evaluating the outcome of the plan once it's completed. Self-Regulating Learning (SRL) cycle.
- Without a Plan, You’re Growing Nowhere - Personal growth doesn’t happen by accident. It’s not an automatic process. If you want to guarantee growth, then you need a plan—something strategic, specific, and scheduled.
- Time management - comprehensive list of suggestions and strategies for time management
- Managing Your Time and Study Environment - As you look at how you spend your time, ask yourself if this matches your priorities.
- Academic Success Videos: Time Management(video 16:44)
- 8 Steps for Strong Time Management for College Students
- Video:Top Tips for Time Management in College
- Pomodoro Technique (video 2:21) - time management based on 25 minute intervals.
- How To Use LEGOs To Manage Your Time Better
Personal responsibility
- 18 Chances You Will Not Regret Taking in Life - "you will likely kick yourself a little for not taking more chances on the infinite number of opportunities you have today."
- What Makes Expert Learners Different? - list of characteristics and a process - Self-Regulating Learning (SRL) cycle
- Tips for online learning success - Take it seriously. If your program requires a long-term obligation, make sure you can commit. Have a realistic understand of the hours the course requires. Develop a plan for how you’ll fit the hours the course requires into your life. ...
Technology tips
- 10 top time-saving tech tips (video 5:44) - simple, clever tips for computer, web, smartphone and camera users.
Also see...
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Your responses to this and all other assignments will be graded for college-level writing. Spelling and grammar errors will result in deductions. Late submissions are accepted but points will be deducted for late submissions, unless you get an extension from the instructor prior to the due date. Complete and thoughtful replies that demonstrate original thinking and personal experience must be demonstrated for full credit.
- Review the Keywords and Study notes at the top of this page. These will help you look for important ideas in the rest of assignments for this module.
- Introductions - Introduce yourself to your classmates. Write a 6 Word Story about yourself (some examples). Post your introduction in the Introductions and expectations discussions. Please use the Reply/Comment function to post your information. This will add your introduction to the topic discussion thread. For example, here is my introduction.
Ms. Taylor - Open education. Anywhere. Yours to discover.
There is more to the story than what you can say in 6 words. Use the "Reply" link to ask questions about other students' 6 Word Stories.
- Edit your Introduction, and add 2-3 sentences about your outside interests. Are you interested in art, music, computer games, travel, cooking? Do you have any pets? You can include a small picture. This is an opportunity to meet classmates with similar interests.
Write 2-3 sentences describing why you are taking this course and what you hope to learn in the class. Is this "for fun" or do you need to take this class for work or school? Have you taken other distance learning classes?
Are you enrolled in other DeAnza classes this quarter? Could you physically get to DeAnza campus in Cupertino? If not, why not - travel, physical limitations, transportation, child care, scheduling? Are you planning to travel during the quarter and keep up with the class remotely? Where will you be?
- Helper, Thinker, Doer, Planner - The Inner Heroes Personality quiz addresses how you interact with others. This will be useful information in the discussions and online collaborations in the coming weeks. Take the quiz, then indicate your type - Helper, Thinker, Doer, Planner - in the I'm a... choice.
Review the results and post a short note about your "type" to your introduction in the discussion topic Introductions and expectations. What does your type imply about your study habits? Do you think there is any validity to these "tests"?
- Expert Learner - Read the article Introduction to Expert Learning. Review the list of characteristics in the section What Makes Expert Learners Different? What do you think? How are you doing? Do you have many of these characteristics? These all can be learned. That is what we are working on in the Learning Literacies course. Pick 2-3 characteristics that you want to work on - your specific learning objectives. Post your learning objectives and a brief description of why you selected your picks to the Expert Learner discussion. Check back here often and see how you are doing towards meeting those learning objectives.
The first thing to learn is the Self-Regulating Learning (SRL) cycle. Review the steps and try using this model every time you can use it as a strategy to learn something new. You will have lots of opportunities to use the SRL cycle for the activities in this class.
- Digital Citizenship - Read the 20 Basic Rules For Digital Citizenship. This is a nice summary of appropriate online behavior in general, and for distance learning courses, specifically. Pick one item that you think is particularly important. Post the title of the rule you selected and a brief description of why you selected this one to the Rules for Digital Citizenship discussion. Reply to 2 other posts.
- Goals, priorities, plan - Setting goals and planning to accomplish them. For each category - Career, Personal Development and Relationships, make a list of 4-5 things that you can do to better your life. Browse the 43 Things main page. Look to see what goals others have put on their lists. What would you love to do? Are there things that you want or need to include in your list? Quickly come up with a list of 43. Yes this is a long list but that is the objective. Then prioritize your list.
Having trouble putting them in order of importance? Compare two at a time - which one is more important of the two? Put that one ahead. Repeat until all your items are in sequence by importance. "Needs" should be higher up than "wants". Note that there is a difference between "important" and "urgent". Often we have things that we think has to be done right away but these really aren't that important. Spending too much time on urgent but not important items, you end up with no time to do the important things.
When you have your list prioritized and refined to reflect needs and important items, post a brief description of your experience creating this list to 43 things discussion. Don't share your list, just your thoughts about the whole process of making a long list AND having to prioritize it.
- Time management, prioritization, calendar, due dates - Review the Time Management resources listed in the selected Media section above - videos, tip sheets. Make notes of important points while you watch. Do you use these suggestions already? Were some of the suggestions new to you? Pick 2 suggestions that you thought could help you in organizing your time and post these to the Time management discussion.
- Test drive Catalyst - Read the Introduction to DeAnza Catalyst. Try out the functions. Post a brief description of your exploration to the DeAnza Catalyst discussion. If you have questions, post them to the discussion. If you find something that you think other students would like to know about, add your comments and suggestions, too.
- Thinking thing - Read Things You Really Need to Learn. What is the best advice? What would you add? This should be 1-2 paragraphs. Post your thoughts to the Need to Learn discussion. End your post with a question. The question should get other people thinking.
Reply to the the questions of 2 other students.
- We covered a lot in the module. What was ONE thing that you learned? How will this help you. In 2-3 sentences describe what you learned and submit it as the I learned... assignment.
2014.07 972 . 2015.05 1272 . 2020.11 5583