Learning Literacies - Share It

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Share It - Communication and Collaboration

Learning is enhanced when it is more like a team effort that a solo race. Good learning, like good work, is collaborative and social, not competitive and isolated. Working with others often increases involvement in learning. Sharing one's own ideas and responding to others' reactions sharpens thinking and deepens understanding.

Sharing is no longer just a method of personal identity or distribution, but rather sharing can create messages of its own. ..more

Learning outcomes

  • use digital media and environments to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others.
  • use digital tools to collaborate and communicate with others locally and globally - wikis, blogs, email, online surveys, videoconferencing


media, environment, digital tools, collaboration, wiki, blog, videoconferencing, careed development

Study notes

  • What are some of the technologies available to share information?
  • How can you participate on a project when you can't meet in person?
  • What is the meaning of the 4 R’s—Reuse, Redistribute, Revise, and Remix?
  • Why is sharing important? How is this different from sharing in a face-to-face class?
  • How does all this relate to career development?
  • What are peer review, pair & share, and constructive criticism? Why are these used classroom and online courses?
  • How do instructor review, evaluation and feedback contribute to student success?
  • Why are deadlines important? How do these relate to course calendar, due dates, consequences?

Icon multimedia.gif


Academic success

  • Career development - links to a number of articles about career development in the current job market. Many reference lifelong learning and the use of technology as key factors.
  • Online Colleges and E-Learning Excellence - A student's guide to online education, from getting started to graduation. Learn keys to success and important how-tos from today's leading distance learning experts.
  • The Learning Flow - a continuous steady stream of social micro-learning activities – accessible from the web and mobile devices
  • Academic Skills - short videos - time management, think like a professor,...
  • Academic Skill-Building - * Ten Secrets of University Success * University Time Management * Reading Skills for University * Note-taking at University * Preparing for Tests and Exams
  • Khan Academy - practice and level up your skills or choose from thousands of lessons to learn something new.

Peer review, feedback, constructive criticism

  • Peer Editing Guide - this guide will help you to make thoughtful comments about another student's work.

Openness, collaboration, sharing

  • Openness in education David Wiley proposes 4 R’s — Reuse, Redistribute, Revise, and Remix.
  • 10 Tips for Blended Work Environments - A distributed workforce is becoming much more mainstream in today’s economy. Control over path and pace is not just for online learners – it’s for companies now, too. When given flexibility over working location, team members thrive. Allowing team members to work in an environment that is most productive for them has yielded great results.
  • Why That Video Went Viral - “People build their online identities by sharing,” he said. “They want people to think of them a certain way.”
  • Six-Word Memoirs - a powerful tool to inspire conversation around a big idea, and a simple way for individuals to break the ice.

Health and wellness

Online volunteering, community service learning

  • Online volunteering - thousands (if not millions) of engaged citizens volunteer virtually — using their computers, the Internet, even cell phones.
  • Guide to Volunteer Opportunities Online - It has never been easier to volunteer, and it seems to be more popular than ever as people of all ages and abilities look for ways to improve their communities.
  • Volunteer Match - online as well as in person volunteering opportunities

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  1. Youth employment - Review 2-3 of the articles linked from Skills Pages Youth Employment Blog. These cover a broad range of career development ideas and issues. Some are directed to employers, others are for students and a general audience. In the Career development discussion, post a link to one of the articles and a brief summary (2-3 sentences) about the main point of the article, and why you selected this article.
    Review the posts of 2 other students.

  2. Academic success - View one or more of the Academic Skills short videos. Pick one in an area that is most helpful to you. Post a link and a brief summary of the video and a description of its importance to you and other students to the Academic Skills videos discussion.
    Review the post of other students and review 2-3 more videos from this list. Give your feedback on these videos as replies on 2 posts.

  3. Openness in education - David Wiley proposes 4 R’s — Reuse, Redistribute, Revise, and Remix. Review the article. Find an example of one of the Rs. Why is this an example of one of the Rs? What is the creator adding? Why is this better than just a link to a specific web page? In the Openness in education discussion, post your R, a link to your selected example and a brief description answering the questions.
    Review the post of other students and provide feedback on 2.

  4. MOOC, Open Educational Resource (OER), Open Course - MOOC experts surprised by how they're evolving - "Our MOOCs are a human experience. This is not a book. It's not a self-directed course. It has a beginning, middle and an end, and it is led by an instructor. These aren't college classes. It's a workshop and a community. We don't expect that everyone who comes will do it. We don't mind if you come, watch a video and go." -- Rosental Alves.
    Read the article. What do you think? Is this a new way to learn? Is this the way education should become using technology and online resources? How would this impact your education? Post your thoughts to the MOOCs and education discussion. Read the post of 2 other students and provide comments and feedback.

  5. Citizen Science - using the power of the Internet, non-specialists participate in research in many ways - as volunteer classifiers of heavenly objects, such as in Galaxy Zoo. They make observations of the natural world, as in The Great Sunflower Project. And they even solve puzzles to design proteins, such as FoldIt. Look at several of the projects listed, and post a description and link to one in the Citizen Scientist discussion
    Review 2 others and comment.

  6. Peer editing - Peer review, feedback, constructive criticism,... These are related ways of having students work together through the writing and editing process. By reviewing someone else's work, you will help the other students improve their work, and you will have the opportunity to think critically about writing. Read the Peer Editing Guide. Pick out 2-3 tips that will help you think about your own writing. Post a brief description of the tips and their importance to the Peer review discussion.
    Comment on the posts of 2 others.

  7. Test drive - Wikis and blogs are used by many people to share their ideas (publishing) and to pass along interesting information from other online sources (curation). Look through some wikis - WikiSpaces, Wikipedia for Schools, and blogs - Tumblr, WordPress. Look for the search box and entered a word or 2 about a subject. This will being up a number of examples for you to review. What subjects were covered? Are these reliable sources of information? How would you evaluate these resources? Is this the work of one person or many? In the Test drive - Wikis and blogs discussion, post a link to a wiki or blog and provide an overview of the content and an evaluation of the information provided.
    Review the suggestions of 3 others.

  8. Collaboration - Many jobs today require people to work together, even though they are only connected by web technology. For this course, there isn't enough time to have everyone work on a group project. However, working as part of an online group is important. The discussion throughout the course are really part of a group project! Now that you have had this online group experience, review the guidelines for group work. Did you use some of the activities suggested? Do you have any suggestions for successful online group work that weren't covered in the guide? How is working in a group online different from working in-person? How can this information be applied to this course and to other courses you are taking? In the discussion Group Work, write a brief description of a couple important things you learned about participating in an online group?
    Comment on the post of 2 other students? Is there experience different from yours?

  9. Community service learning - You can learn a lot from helping others. Virtual volunteering, doing community service projects online can be very rewarding. It can be done anytime, anywhere so it can fit into any schedule. Do a little or a lot at one time. Some examples include Project Gutenberg - Distributed Proofreaders help create an eBook. LibriVox - record audio books. Do you participate in community service, either online or in-person? What do you think about the idea of online community service? Do you know of other online community service opportunities or sites that can help people find community service? Post a brief note to the Online community service discussion.

  10. I learned - Sharing, collaborating, networking, self-directed learning. These are all important to learning to learn. What 2 learning literacies have you discovered that will help you be a better learner? Write 2-3 sentences about learning to learn and submit your response to the I learned... Share it assignment.

2014.07 - 578