User:Vtaylor/Global Learning/universal learning map

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(rvb:Person { name: "Rik", from: "Belgium", pet: "Orval" }), (ally:Person { name: "Allison", from: "California", hobby: "surfing" }), (ee)-[:KNOWS {since: 2001}]->(js),(ee)-[:KNOWS {rating: 5}]->(ir),

Neo4j reference card

  • forms, templates to input nodes, relationships
  • learners, resources, paths, assessments, guide/facilitator - resources > learner
  • recommend resources by skill appropriate to learner skill level
  • history - learner / resource activity - skill level, time on task, outcome. ? helpful / like / more
  • learner dashboard - progress, next, badges / certificates

recommendation rules

  • recommend resources by skill appropriate to learner skill level
  • skill level - close, stretch, review, remediation needed
  • resource type - game, presentation, audio, video, pictures and text
  • when to switch to another skill - mastery, time, interest
  • direct intervention
  • learner choice - pick one, find, do this


  • Learner - name, location, facilitator, domain.indicator.mastery, firstLanguage, learningLanguage, preferences media / resource type, priorities, specialNeeds, device shared / 1:1, access daily / frequent / periodic, reinforcement, persistence, curiosity, risk-taking
  • Agent / Guide

  • Resources - Path sequence, Prior knowledge, Mastery assessment, Domain
  • Path
  • Assessment
  • Skill - instructional priority, domain, grade level, difficulty,


  • Learner KNOWS Skills, NEEDS Resources, Assessment, PREFERS media, resource type, stretch
  • Path NEXT Resource


  • check learner's mastery with instructional priority > recommend lesson to satisfy requirement if not mastered
  • check learner's persistence > recommend frequency of similar content until mastery achieved
  • check learner / resource history - used this before, liked it, not mastered

(earlyMath:Path { name: "Early Math", source: "" }),

CREATE (counting:Skill { name: "Counting", source: "" }), (addSubBasics:Skill { name: "Addition and subtraction intro", source: "" }), (counting)-[:BEFORE]->(addSubBasics)

MATCH (counting:Skill)-[:BEFORE]-(nextskill) RETURN counting, nextskill

("Addition and subtraction intro")-[:BEFORE]->("Place value tens and hundreds"),

(Place value tens and hundreds)>[:BEFORE]->(Addition and subtraction within 200),

(Addition and subtraction within 200)-[:BEFORE]->(Addition and subtraction within 100),

(Addition and subtraction within 100)-[:BEFORE]->(Addition and subtraction within 1000),

(Addition and subtraction within 1000)-[:BEFORE]->(Measurement and data),

(Measurement and data)-[:BEFORE]->(Geometry)

  • Indicators - name: "formal name", domain: "progress domain"


(listening:Indicator { name: "Listening", domain: "literacy" }),

(speaking:Indicator { name: "Speaking", domain: "literacy" }),

(reading:Indicator { name: "Emergent Reading", domain: "literacy" }),

(writing:Indicator { name: "Emergent Writing", domain: "literacy" }),

  • InstructionalPriority - Phonemic Awareness - name:, assess: "phonemic awareness", highPrioritySkill: "yes", DIBELSPSFScore:, DIBELSNWFScore:. DIBELSORFScore:

(pa.1:InstructionalPriority { name: "Sound isolation", assess: "phonemic awareness"}),

(pa.1a:InstructionalPriority { name: "Identifies initial sound in 1-syllable words", assess: "phonemic awareness"}),

(pa.1b:InstructionalPriority { name: "Identifies final sound in 1-syllable words", assess: "phonemic awareness"}),

(pa.1c:InstructionalPriority { name: "Identifies medial sound in 1-syllable words", assess: "phonemic awareness"}),

(pa.2:InstructionalPriority { name: "Sound Blending", assess: "phonemic awareness"}),

(pa.2a:InstructionalPriority { name: "Blends 3-4 phonemes into a whole word", assess: "phonemic awareness", highPrioritySkill: "yes" }),

(pa.3:InstructionalPriority { name: "Sound Segmentation", assess: "phonemic awareness"}),

(pa.3a:InstructionalPriority { name: "Segments 3- and 4- phoneme 1-syllable words", assess: "phonemic awareness", highPrioritySkill: "yes", DIBELSPSFScore: "35" }),

mapping sources


Phonemic Awareness 1. Sound isolation 1a. Identifies initial sound in 1-syllable words 1b. Identifies final sound in 1-syllable words 1c. Identifies medial sound in 1-syllable words 2. Sound Blending 2a. Blends 3-4 phonemes into a whole word * High priority skill 3. Sound Segmentation 3a. Segments 3- and 4- phoneme 1-syllable words * High priority skill * DIBELS PSF Score 35

Early Childhood Indicators of Progress: Minnesota's Early Learning Standards - 11/8/11 A framework for a common set of developmentally appropriate expectations for children ages three to five, within a context of shared responsibility for helping children meet these expectations. p.12 Indicators of Progress Domain Framework ** APPROACHES TO LEARNING - domain: "approach" Curiosity Risk-Taking Imagination and Invention Persistence Reflection and Interpretation ** COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT - domain: "cognitive" Mathematical and Logical Thinking - Number Concepts and Operations - Patterns and Relationships - Spatial Relationships/ Geometry - Measurement - Mathematical Reasoning Scientific Thinking and Problem-Solving - Observing - Questioning - Investigating Social Systems Understanding - Human Relationships - Understanding the World ** LANGUAGE & LITERACY DEVELOPMENT - domain: "literacy" Listening Speaking Emergent Reading Emergent Writing ** CREATIVITY & THE ARTS - domain: "creativity" Creating Responding Evaluating ** PHYSICAL & MOTOR DEVELOPMENT - domain: "physical" Gross Motor Development Fine Motor Development Physical Health and Well-Being