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teachers - suggestions, what these kids need - life skills, capitalizing on giftedness

active research - cultivating curiosity * Deci autonomy * process steps for 3-5  ? nsb bgc

  • OOLE * stEm is... 3-5 /6-8 * activities * resources
  • curiosity and how to use it -
  • learning literacies - find use protect solve make share
  • questions - QFT
  • set of deliverables - plan, reflection, experience, document / presntation ? portfolio entry - schedule, advising / mentoring


Process Deliverables products. Share use find solve make protect. ?? Other 5-6 Reflection

Question technique Goal setting Engineering design process PBL Online learning

.itsLearning Kids. Tutorial Checklist. Reviews. Rubrics

A. You decide. Did you achieve it.

[Deci - autonomy Supportive. Self motivated.

What would you do if you didn't have to do anything else?' "

What do you want to learn

So change isn’t simply about embracing something unknown — it’s about giving up something old (and therefore good) for something new (and therefore not good).

Unlearning. What you know is wrong, has changed. Superficial learning. Deep learning

3-5 one day 2 hours, and 6-8 one day for 2 hours

your wrote : Jan wants me to do enrichment classes for identified gifted and I was the only one with gifted certification, so that peaked my interest. Be thinking of some ideas we might want to pursue together.

Some questions

  • What are the criteria for "gifted"?
  • Is this the same as "gifted and talented"?
  • What grade level kids would be involved? How frequently would you have them?

I had some negative experiences working with "gifted" kids at other schools. I wasn't impressed. On the other hand there are plenty of amazing kids that have so much potential, having an opportunity to work with them is a privilege.