DeAnza College/Catalyst 1 : Basics/Resources
Introduction to Moodle functionality, examples of how it can be used in teaching and learning, overview of DeAnza faculty responsibilities and Catalyst procedures
- New to online teaching and learning? Read everything and complete all the activities.
- Some experience? Review and prepare for quiz and readiness evaluation interview.
[hide]DeAnza Catalyst information for students
- Student Quick Guide - .pdf prints best 8.5" x 14"
- System requirements - OS and Browser Requirements, Firefox - should be same as students
- First Time User Guides
- Module 1: How to Login and interactive tutorial
- Module 2: Password & Profile includes tips for adding profile image, interactive tutorial
- Module 3: Navigating in Catalyst
- student intro notes - cross check that faculty and staff needs are covered in information provided to students
Online learning
Course design
Legal responsibilities
DeAnza procedures
Creative Commons License Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. Please just give a shout out to De Anza College's Distance Learning Center (DLC), Technology Resources Group (TRG), and Mary Parke as the original course creators. This course was designed and edited with the assistance of Ramon Lazo. Thank you Ramon! We welcome your feedback and use of this course and encourage altering it to fit your needs at will. All other copyrighted content within this course retains the original copyrights of the owners. Please cite them as appropriate.