Catalyst 1 : Basics

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Catalyst 1 : Basics - Catalyst, a version of Moodle, is used for online course development and delivery at DeAnza College. This training course prepares faculty members to teach hybrid or online courses using Catalyst. The first part of the training is an online portion to cover introduction to Catalyst functionality, examples of how it can be used in teaching and learning, policies and procedures. The second part is a hands-on workshop for faculty to learn how to create and manage course materials, learning activities, assessment and other components.

Estimated time to complete:
Online portion: 2-4 hours
Hands-on workshop: 3 hours

Catalyst 1 : Basics

Learning outcomes

  • participate as a student in an online course using the basic features of Moodle
  • make plan for course design and development
  • understand the policies and procedures required of online courses or course components using Catalyst at De Anza
    • understand requirements for accessibility, copyright, fair use, FERPA as they apply to electronic presentation of course components
    • access the forms and links for Catalyst accounts and development shells
    • understand the development and maintenance process
    • demonstrate understanding by completing the required quiz
  • develop course components in Catalyst (on-campus hands-on workshop)
    • create and edit course materials
    • manage learning activities and assessments
    • assign students and use other functions within Catalyst
    • demonstrate proficiency by completing required components in sandbox (after workshop)


Getting started: Student-view and tour of Moodle/Catalyst

  1. Read the Introduction (resource - text)
  2. Explore the navigation menus and links.
  3. Click on several of the Help links.
  4. View an example of each of the Moodle features listed.
  5. Introduce yourself (forum - reply)
  6. If you have questions, post them to the Questions forum (forum) or send a message to the instructor (message)
  7. Review your profile settings, and select to receive discussion posts in daily digest format. Check that the editor is set to ?? (profile)

Making your plan for course development

  1. Select the response that best describes your online teaching and learning experience (choice)
  2. Take the placement quiz to determine presentation (quiz - self-grading)
  3. Read the Course design information (resource, book)
  4. Review two of the showcase courses using the course evaluation criteria (resource - separate window), and submit your responses to the prompt questions (assignment)
  5. Post your reviews to the forum. Comment on two other posts (forum - new topic, reply)
  6. Make your master plan and schedule for course component development
  7. Review -- stuff for questionnaire (resource - link)
  8. Complete (questionnaire)

Legal and administrative responsibilities

  1. Review the legal responsibilities (book, glossary)
  2. Review the procedures for developing course content and preparing for student access (book)
  3. Review the procedures for maintenance and request for activation for future quarters (illustration, links)
  4. Use the self-study quiz to review Catalyst Basics (quiz - unlimited self-scoring)
  5. Verify that you have reviewed and understood the responsibilities for online teaching (quiz - timed 2x)
  6. Check your grades (grades) - Grade of xx or better > good to go on to development

Course design and development (hands-on and after)

  1. Log into Catalystdev and access your Sandbox course. Turn on editing.
  2. Explore creating content resources and activities - links, text pages, assignments, quizzes and questions.
  3. Navigate to the Administration functions - course settings, themes, grades, participants
  4. Review the guidelines for planning and developing online resources and activities
  5. Develop course components including topics, discussion forum, assignments and quizzes
  6. Access the forms and links for Catalyst accounts and development shells
  7. Complete the quiz


  • comprehensive intro
    • familiar with Moodle, other course management systems - intro overview
    • interest in Catalyst - overview, adding web resources to on-campus course, hybrid (replacing on-campus class time), fully online
  • policies and procedures
    • copyright
    • access considerations
    • FERPA, student records
    • DeAnza procedures
  • course development plan with teaching strategies
  • complete developing the sandbox per requirements
    • adjust course settings
    • add 2 topic/weekly blocks
    • create at least 1 resource, 1 assignment and 1 quiz for each block
    • add discussion fora and post a few messages
    • enroll 2 students
    • review gradebook and assign grades for one assignment
    • etc (fill in later)

Training and course development schedule

  1. Faculty can enroll into Catalyst 1 online course and have access to a sandbox any time
  2. Finish reading and activities in Catalyst 1 (2-4 hours)
  3. Attend hands-on workshop (3 hours, facilitated at LCW at least 3 times every quarter, or online)
  4. Finish up sandbox development
  5. Request mastershell and develop real course (Approved by Dean and DLC)
  6. Go live

Learn more...

Information about Catalyst at DeAnza

More information about Moodle


Below will be part of detailed instruction in Intro Student-view of Catalyst / Moodle features

  • student intro notes - cross check that faculty and staff needs are covered in information provided to students
    • Resources, Activities - Forums, Messages, Assignments, Quizzes, Chats...
    • navigation, icons
    • teaching tips, FAQs