CIS 3: Business Information Systems

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20371 * CIS -003.-62Z Business Information Systems

Introduction to management information systems, systems design and development, data communications, data management, office automation, computer hardware and software concepts. Use of common software packages for business applications including word processing, spreadsheets, database, and Internet web tools.

Also required with this course: CLAS Wed at 01:30 PM-02:35 PM Detail * LAB Wed at 02:40 PM-03:55 PM Detail *

  • 4 1/2 Units Hours: Four hours lecture, one and one-half hours laboratory (66 hours total per quarter).
  • Materials Fee: $2.00
  • General Education Status: Non-GE
  • Program Status: Program Applicable
  • Credit Status: Credit - Degree applicable
  • Grading Method: Letter Grade


Advisory: English Writing 211 and Reading 211 (or Language Arts 211), or English as a Second Language 272 and 273.



  1. I notice... first impressions
  2. discussion - introduction - 3 words, people with my name, learning styles, brain color
  3. search - explore Catalyst, access online help, report
  4. view/listen - business information systems
  5. discussion - open textbook for this course
  6. discussion - 21st Century Literacy checklist - how do you stack up?
  7. lab - WikiEducator account - open source wiki for education
  8. I wonder... questions about business information systems that you want answered during the course

Application Software : OpenOffice Calc spreadsheet

CH 1,14,4 (homework 1,2,3), LAB A: EXCEL

  • 1200 TED Talks Listed in a Neat Spreadsheet - In early 2011 ... someone put together a handy online spreadsheet that lists 875 TED Talks, with handy links to each individual video. It’s worth mentioning the spreadsheet again because this evolving Google doc has now grown beyond 1200 talks. That works out to more than 340 hours of “riveting talks by remarkable people.” Because the page gets updated on a regular basis, you’ll definitely want to bookmark it and keep tabs on the new additions.


  1. I notice... application software
  2. discussion - examples of application software
  3. discussion - business that depend on business information systems
  4. discussion - figures don't lie but liars can figure - what does this mean, some examples, data representation
  5. search - more than Google - other search engines, sources of information retrieval
  6. lab - government data, download spread sheet, use analysis tools - sort, subtotal, average, percent, other, report
  7. I wonder... questions about application software, data presentation

Applications - Home Office School : OpenOffice Draw


  1. I notice... applications for personal use
  2. discussion - desktop / laptop installed applications - Microsoft Office, OpenOffice
  3. discussions - example on the web of files from applications - Appropriate use of application? Other ways to share this information?
  4. search - open source special purpose applications, support, community of developers and users
  5. lab - use OpenOffice Draw to create a drawing, experiment with the tools, describe the experience
  6. I wonder... questions about other applications besides those like OpenOffice intended for personal use

Software as a Service (SaaS) : OpenOffice Impress presentation

  • OpenOffice Impress - presentation
  • [Prezi] - more fun than death-by-powerpoint or functional equivalent, examples, tutorial


  1. I notice... presentations at school, at work
  2. view/listen - cloud computing
  3. discussion - Google Docs - account, create/upload, share
  4. search - examples of SaaS
  5. lab - Impress or Prezi presentation, report problems, successes
  6. I wonder... questions about Software As A Service

Database Design : OpenOffice Base database

READ CH 5, 11, 7 (homework 4,5,6), LAB B: ACCESS


  1. I notice... organizing information, information access
  2. discussion - databases - examples, how they are used, why they work
  3. discussion - database software / applications - vendors, feature comparisons
  4. discussion - search engines - how they work, what users should know
  5. search - examples of databases available online - What are the characteristics of the database? Why must it be a database?
  6. lab - create a database - government data ?
  7. I wonder... questions about information capture, storage, retrieval


CH 6, Midterm REVIEW (homework 7), NO LAB due, PROPOSAL

?? capture, presentation

  1. Review 5 free web-based or mobile applications for one of the target markets - home, office, school. Write a review for each application answering the following questions: What is the purpose of the application? Who would be interested in using the application? What is your overall impression of the application? What are some important or unique features? Are there any negatives or limitations? Would you recommend it to others? Why/why not? Add your review write-ups to the WikiEducator page for your target market.
  2. Review the other applications and write-ups in your target market page and provide your feedback about the applications. Be sure to include your first name with your feedback.
  3. Based on your applications reviews and feedback, answer the questions in the MidTerm Application Review quiz.

Programming Languages : Programming

  • Squeak


  1. I notice... programming, designing and developing applications
  2. search - Information technology development projects - descriptions, history, successes
  3. lab - write a Squeak "program", report on plan, progress
  4. I wonder... questions about developing applications or systems

Processing Hardware, System Software


  1. I notice... hardware, software, operating systems
  2. discussion - example of hardware manufacturers
  3. discussion - examples of operating systems
  4. search - Linux development
  5. lab - continue working on your program, report on process and progress
  6. I wonder... questions about the future of computing

Telecommunications : OpenOffice Writer text document

READ CH 8,9,10 (homework 8,9,10), LAB C: WORD

  • Telecommunications
  • Networking


  1. I notice... telecommunications with wires and without
  2. view/listen - mobile learning, bring your own
  3. discussion - web standards - HTML5, XML
  4. search - telecommunication impact on medicine and healthcare
  5. search - Look through your I wonder... questions, and investigate one of your own questions. What did you find?
  6. lab - create an HTML or XML document with OpenOffice Writer, report
  7. I wonder... questions about communications around the world

Artificial Intelligence, Risk and Security : WikiEducator web page

READ CH 13, 15 (homework 11,12), LAB D: WEB

  • Artificial intelligence
  • Risk
  • Security


  1. I notice... artificial intelligence, risk and security
  2. search - simulations - MERLOT
  3. discussion - risk and security
  4. view/listen - machine intelligence - good or evil?
  5. lab - create an outline for a business information system development project on your WikiEducator page. Include heading for everything needed to design, develop, promote and support a commercial application or business system. Includes notes about the headings if you wish. This is your own work.
  6. I wonder... questions about risks, safety and security in the future

Application Business Plan Project

  • Business plan
  • Group projects
  • Collaboration


  1. I notice... group projects
  2. In groups of 2-3, pick a free web-based or mobile application and prepare a business plan. Include history/background, features, target customers, competition, sales and marketing info, customer support, reviews. Your business plan will be "published" as a WikiEducator page.
  3. Based on your work and the collaboration on the Application Business Plan project, answer the questions in the Group Project quiz.
  4. I wonder... questions about developing and maintaining open applications.

Group Presentations, Peer review



  1. I think... about the importance of group work
  2. discussion - review all the presentations. Provide peer review feedback on 3
  3. discussion - important "take-aways" from the course
  4. I wonder... questions about business information systems and the future of computing

21st Century Literacy

one per week - questions for each

  • Develop proficiency with the tools of technology
  • Build relationships with others to pose and solve problems collaboratively and cross-culturally
  • Design and share information for global communities to meet a variety of purposes
  • Manage, analyze, and synthesize multiple streams of simultaneous information
  • Create, critique, analyze, and evaluate multimedia texts
  • Attend to the ethical responsibilities required by these complex environments
