User:Vtaylor/Active learning/Mobile Me

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You matter in a self-directed mobile device open game technology supported learning environment

  • some questions that come up for Global Learning Xprize solutions and urban classroom settings

Globally, there is a huge opportunity for closing the education gap with self-directed mobile learning. Yes, there aren't enough teachers to "teach" every child who needs an education and the world can't wait for that to happen. So the Global Learning Xprize competition is offering a significant incentive both monetary and awareness to developers to come up with technology-supported solutions. Specifically Android tablets pre-loaded with content will be delivered throughout the developing world in an effort to come up with a workable solution and a scalable process.

There are approximately 200 teams from around the world signed up to work on the Global Learning Xprize initiatives. There are some promising developments underway to provide localized content, learning maps, recommendation and tracking support to personalize / individualize the learning experience for each user.

And, then, what about "me"? How do I know I matter in a digital learning environment? Is this enough?

  • name - text, verbal - In early pilot projects and field tests, some kids do know how to write their names. Asking for the users name and including it in the text is good. Saying the learner's name would be nice.
  • scores, badges, stickers, awards, certificates
  • in context feedback - acknowledgement, encouragement

Even though there may not be trained professional educators on-site, there are likely to be supportive adults and peers with a broad range of expertise. The adults are care-givers who know the kids and appreciate the effort and successes and provide encouragement through struggles and failures. Some of the kids will be quick to figure out how these devices and games work, and can instruct other kids.

  • actual person ? digital grannies - required Skype, internet access ? correspondence - phone / audio, text
  • community support - adults, older kids, peers in groups
  •  ? learn from mentoring, historical correspondence, virtual school with teachers