User:Vtaylor/21c engineering

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Twenty first century engineering

  • more women in engineering activities - 2013 only 8% of job category engineers are women
  • engineering school - women students 15 - 18%
  • most girls don't have high school prep for engineering school
  • girls with required high school prep go into medicine ? approx 50% medical students
  • engineering becomes irrelevant - too rigid, restrictive, not enough by orders of magnitude > find some other way to address problem - alternate designation, alternate path ? medicine / physicians assistant / nurse practitioner


  • engineering degree programs - admissions, courses - biased against girls, say necessary to become an engineer
  • requirements of actual engineering jobs - knowledge, skill, training, preparation, interests, expectations, adaptation to change, openness to new technologies, communication skills
  • how come girls in medicine, not engineering - higher admission requirements for medicine, more competitive
  • girls with same prep as guys in engineering - where do they go
  • who wants to "solve" women in engineering. What are they prepared to do about it.
  • Ontario architects - changed exams to better reflect needed knowledge, more qualified people > licensed
  • definition - engineer, what people actually do, skills needed - now, future <<
  • what will be needed in future. Who else can/will do work. What preparation, knowledge, skills do they have. How did they get them.


  • good indicator skills, activities
  • actual job descriptions, knowledge, skills - engineering school as preparation, on the job training, personal interest, predisposition, opportunity
  • engineering with more women - jobs, schools Olin, Harvey Mudd, Bagley / Mississippi (average)