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Contact-new.svg Umesh C. Pandey
Employer:Indira Gandhi National Open University
Occupation:Regional Director, Jabalpur
Center This user was certified a WikiBuddy by Missan .

About me:

I am Dr U C Pandeypresently working as Regional Director in IGNOU Regional Centre in Jabalpur(MP).Our Regional Centre looks after IGNOU 's operations in one of the most disadvantaged tribal area of the country covering 12 districts on the eastern side of Madhya Pradesh.I am a paticipant in National online Training Programme of STRIDE

Nature of my job in Indira Gandhi National Open University :

Regional Director the head of the Regional Centre, occupies a key position and plays a vital role in implementing the policies and academic programmes of the IGNOU in the region. He is the representative of the University in his region, and so, he promotes Open Distance Education in the region and implements the delivery of student support services in the region. He serves as a vital and effective link between Schools and Divisions at the Headquarters on the one hand and state government, the study centres, different agencies in the field, media and the general public,on the other hand. Regional Director is also responsible for planning out innovative schemes and giving feedback to the HQs so that University’s programmes and policies may have maximum impact. With his skilful dealings and prompt action, the Regional Director helps alleviating the problems of the learners in the region, creates better support facilities for them and generates proper public response for effective implementation of IGNOU programmes in that region.

My area of interests:

I am interested in devising innovative support services mechanisms for the disadvataged and marginalised people of the country so that these people can be involved in the process of education in a meaningful way.I have been working with IGNOU for more than 18 years and have worked in various capacities under Regional Centres of IGNOU at Shimla,Delhi,Jammau,Khanna(Punjab) and Jabalpur Basically ,I have been a student of Physics and did my PhD on "solar neutrino puzzle" -a mixed problem of high energy physics and astrophysics.

Please see the unit which I have prepared as part of the online training programme

My Address and contact numbers

Official Address: Umesh Chandra Pandey, Regional Director, IGNOU Regional Centre, Rani Durgavati Vishwa Vidyalaya, Pachpedi, Jabalpur(MP) 0761-2609919 09977600567

Residencial Address: 374B,Behind Yamaha Show Room, Near 4th Bridge,Napier Town ,Jabalpur(MP)

Visit My Photo Gallery

Icon inter.gif

Web Resources

My favourite web based resources are as follows:

E Gyan Kosh

Feedback from WikiEducator Friends

(Comment.gif: Dear Dr U C Pandey, great page and lots of interesting things to read. you have been busy! Welcome again. Warm wishes, --Patricia 16:44, 28 July 2009 (UTC))