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Road Works.svg Work in progress, expect frequent changes. Help and feedback is welcome. See discussion page. Road Works.svg
Contact-new.svg Taline Haytayan
Employer:International HIV / AIDS Alliance
Occupation:Programme Advisor, Knowledge Sharing
Certificate yellow.svg
This user was certified a Wiki Apprentice Level 1 by Wikirandy .

About Me

My name is Taline Haytayan, and I'm a knowledge sharing advisor for the International HIV/AIDS Alliance in Brighton, UK. I work with colleagues and partners across the globe, I help facilitate processes and mechanisms to support knowledge sharing activities, from documentation of good practice HIV programming to setting up communities of practice for collaboration and networking around specific programmatic themes, to identifying tools to enable knowledge sharing (from our internal system Sharepoint, to social media/web 2.0 tools such as wikis, twitter, blogs, delicious.

My Interests

LearnShare HIV AIDS

The Alliance has recently been working with an organisation called Health & Development Networks who has been running a programme of training community based writers in documenting community experiences on HIV/AIDS and TB. These community-based writers are called Key Correspondents and they come from a number of countries in Africa and Asia, and some from Latin America and Carribbean.

They disseminate their articles through this interactive website – especially developed to allow rating of articles, wiki type editing (peer editing) and commenting. Some of the top rated articles are also disseminated via a number of national and regional e-Forums – some of these eForums are moderated by SAFAIDS.


I believe there is a clear opportunity to link up this programme with community radio projects, where Key Correspondents who take part in interviewing community members in order to write their articles, can also have the opportunity to air and discuss them via radio – through a panel discussion in the local language. I’m therefore interested in hearing more about community radio projects, successes, challenges, lessons and recommendations.

Other Interests

Knowledge management, storytelling and exploring social network tools for collaboration, as ways to engage communities in HIV/AIDS programming, policy and advocacy.

Twitter: talinehay Social bookmark: