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Contact-new.svg Siam Vaea
Employer:Tonga Institute of Higher Education
Certificate yellow.svg
This user was certified a Wiki Apprentice Level 1 by Mackiwg .

Hello World

My Profile

A working mother of six, daily struggling between home chores, child rearing and my professional duties. It is these everyday struggles however that make my life exciting. I cannot imagine living life any different and I consider myself very blessed being able to juggle both.

Currently I am the Principal of the Tonga Institute of Higher Education, the Post Secondary Division of the Tonga Ministry of Education and am sure that most teachers of the world would agree with me, that working with young people is the most challenging but most rewarding job that anyone could ever have.

No matter what part of the world one may hail from, most young adults have a commonality in nature, thoughts, in needs and feelings. And it is a wonderful feeling knowing that you are a part of these young people's lives and that everything you do professionally, is a contribution to making their lives better. I believe that once you become a teacher, you forever live life as one forever. Although I have been out of the classroom for years now, I constantly find myself correcting people's writings or unconsciously commenting on public speeches etc. You forever analyse and evaluate your surroundings and this I think makes a teacher a permanent model of a learner for the rest of their lives. This is something that should be the pride of every teacher.

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