Welcome to Deus Kasanya's Webpage

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Contact-new.svg Kasanya Seruwu Deus
Kasanya DS
Employer:Ministry of Education
Occupation:Education Officer
Certificate orange.svg
This user was certified a Wiki Apprentice Level 2 by victor.mensah .
P.O.Box 206 Entebbe
L4C-small.png This user was a proud participant of eL4C41.

About Me

My Early Childhood

I grew up in African moderate family, which encouraged me to love Science and Scientific Innovations. Originating from a rural African village, we always improvised many of the toys we used to play with.

For example

  • Foot balls used to be made from banana fibre.
  • Dolls made from banana leaves
  • Bicycle toys made from wood pieces.
  • Etc....

This kind of childhood development inclined me to Do It Your Self Technology.

My Late Childhood

In school, I loved Science and Mathematics very much. When we learned Electricity, I went home, asked my father to buy for me two Dry cells and a bulb in order to make my own electricity. Which in fact, I made and put it in my room.

Education Background

  • At Makerere University, I did a bachelor of science in Mathematics, Physics and Psychology.
  • University(Advanced)

I continued with mathematics at advance level at Makerere university. And later I obtained an Advanced degree in Information Technology(IT)from Makerere University.

My Projects

Today,the world is faced with crises which include

  • Energy Crisis
  • Climate Change
  • Environment Degradation
  • Food crisis
  • Pollution etc....

I strongly believe that one way to solve some of these problems is to use renewable Energy, sustainable agriculture and good environment conservation practices and ethics. This has brought me to start on the following projects.

  1. Renewable Energy
  2. Environment Conservation
  3. Sustainable Agriculture

My Sandbox
