From WikiEducator
- Specialization in Educational Technology at MEd. Level
- Five Years of Experience of Teaching Educational Technology at BEd.Level
- Attended Three National Level Training Program in Computer Education
- Attended one International Conference on Science, Technology and Mathematics Education
- Trained by Intel Corporation as a Master Trainer in the Use of ICT in Education
- Trained Four Batches (10each) of Pre-service Teacher Trainees in the use of ICT
- Trained Two Batch (20) of In-service Teachers in the Use of ICT
- Oriented a Group (23) of Science Teachers in the Use of ICT
- Attended a National conference on Information and Communication Technology organized by SETRAD, Thiruchirapalli
- Attended and presented paper on ICT in a national seminar organized by Center for Advanced Studies in Education(CASE), M.S.University, Baroda
- Has two publication on ICT in National Level Refereed Journal
- UGC-Visiting Fellow at Dept. of Educational Technology, Bharathidasan University for the course MSc. Media and Communication
- Member of Board of Studies in Educational Technology, Bharathidasan University
- Attended the National Workshop on research in the Integration of Technology in education organized by Intel Corporation
- Experience in conducting and guiding 30 ICT based action research
- Attended one month training programme on e-learning conducted by DOEACC, Aurangabad
- Two years of experiencing in providing web based E-Learning to the Teacher Trainees using the open source e-learning platform –MOODLE- installed at
- Conducted three training/orientation programme on e-learning for university and college teachers • National Winner of the Intel Awards for the Best Integration of Technology in Education
- Attended and presented paper on e-learning and electronic portfolio in a national seminar organized by Central Institute of Educational Technology (NCERT), New Delhi
- Is competent in using various e-learning technologies like:
- Generic software applications – word processing, spread sheet, database, PDF creator, SPSS etc.
- P resentation technologies – data projectors, presentation software etc.
- World Wide Web – online libraries, journals, databases etc.
- Computer mediated conferencing – e-mail, forum, chat, discussion boards, wiki etc.
- Authoring Tools – Macromedia Director, Captivate, Wink, Power Point, LAMS,Mediawiki,eXe, etc.
- Image Editing Tools – Adobe Photoshop, Gimp etc.
- Animation Tools – Macromedia Flash, Director
- Video Capturing and Editing Tools - Camcorder, Digicam, Adobe Premiere etc.
- Sound Tools – Audacity, Gold Wave etc.
- E-learning systems (LMS) – Moodle, ATutor etc.
- Web page development tools – NVU, Microsoft Publisher
- Assessment tools – Hot potato, Moodle
- Content Management Systems (CMS) – Joomla, Mambo and Drupal
- Electronic Portfolio Software - OSPI, Mahara
- Trained 30 Teacher Trainees in Providing Web Based E-Learning
- Maintains three websites “Virtual Center for Technology in Education” (, “Virtual Center for Educational Innovation” (, and “Virtual Center for Teacher Education” ( for the benefits teacher trainees, teacher educators and all the e-learners in general