User:Mosborne Ashs School Nz/Temp/What is good profiling in specialist subjects.odt

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What is good profiling in specialist subjects continued…

  • It is based on information, observation and discussion with students
  • Asking, inquiry
  • Doesn’t ignore the middle of the class
  • Collecting and collating evidence and data
  • Ongoing , keeps being updated
  • Feeds forward and back

What does it do for teaching and learning?

  • Helps to target your teaching, develop strategies
  • Helps ensure students don’t fall through the cracks
  • Allows evidence based decisions
  • Helps planning, allowing teachers to scaffold and create programmes
  • Identifies needs: learning and teaching
  • Helps you to differentiate

Questions still to be answered from the feedback one

How do we know that profiling is effective?

Improved outcomes in engagement, production and assessment grades

Change in attitude, output, motivation or programme for student

It leads to action

It’s in context

Makes things transparent

Loop teacher, student, parent and Kamar

Maps changes

Monitoring next steps to new targets

Learning for the teacher

Shared learning teacher/students/student community

Should we have a common template for profiling?

Could be helpful as a starting point but teachers must be able to do it their own way

A template for setting targets may be useful. We could personalize for our own purpose. Maybe a beginning of the year template?

Some common guidelines would be helpful.

Targets different from subject to subject

What is expected at ASHS?

Profiling your tutor group in depth

What data and how do we collect it?

Observation, products, conversations

Observe behaviour, engagement, verbal responses

“Do now” questionnaires

Discussion of ideas, terminology to determine prior knowledge

Learning styles survey on paper by discussion

Brainstorm prior knowledge

Informal discussion

Group work



Goal setting

From formative assessment

Descriptive eg student interests to do with topic

Look at historical data eg credits, literacy and numeracy

Use evaluation sheets to find out specifics eg efficacy, confidence, link to real world

Student self assessment eg I can

Practice tests

Cross pollinate with other subjects

Write me a letter

How did you use it?


How did you or the student record the information?

Informs planning directly ie straight into action or intervention, not necessarily formally recorded

Teachers should have to feed back on profiling to subject leaders otherwise we slip under the radar and don’t do it

Mark books, observation notes

Student records


How can we involve students in profiling?

Links between tutorial and specialist subject profiling needs to be stronger

Conversations around subject options that lead to success and working around this (different paths)

Group work

Shared learning teacher/students/student community

Freedom of choice vs responsibility for achieving

Students aims, expectations, strengths, weaknesses


Never be satisfied

Involvement with student services