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Contact-new.svg Malisha Hettiarachchi
Website:Supervisors page
Employer:University of Auckland
Occupation:Tertiary student
Nationality:Sri Lankan
Country:New Zealand
Certificate yellow.svg
This user was certified a Wiki Apprentice Level 1 by Wikirandy .


I was born in Sri Lanka but I spent the majority of my childhood in Brunei Darussalam. My family moved to New Zealand in 2002 and I completed my secondary schooling at Avondale College.

The University of Auckland

I completed my Bachelor of science at the University of Auckland specialising in biomedical sciences. I majored in neuroscience but i have exposure to other specialisations including : immunology, endocrinology and reproductive biology.



Currently I am working on a summer project looking into the development of cranial nerves comparising different models ( zebra fish, chick embryo) and paying special attention to the origin of motoneurons

Studentship Objectives

  • The studentship objectives provided by my supvervisor can be found here .

Learning contract

100px-L4C-small.png  Agreement
By signing this optional learning contract I will try to complete my training in basic wiki editing skills to achieve the status of a Wikibuddy. In return for this free training opportunity, I will give the gift of knowledge by donating or developing at least one free content resource licensed under a CC-BY-SA or CC-BY license which can be used by myself (and others) on WikiEducator.
Brief description of project
The Medsci 310 paper offered at the University of Auckland has an embrology section taught by F. Kubke ,i will be developing this further. I was a student taking this course therefore not only do i have the notes but i am able to provide a students perspective.
Target date for completion
November 2010

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