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Review of Sabrin Farooqui “Developing speaking skills of adult learners in private universities in Bangladesh: problems and solutions”

Students from private universities have better English than students from public universities. Students from private and public universities have the same level of English when they start but, when they finish the university, students from private universities acquire higher level of English than students from public universities. This study involves two main aspects that are the conditions that affect how the teaching-learning process is conducted and the concepts that English language teachers have of effective teaching.

In order to collect the needed information are three semi-structured interviews, observation and document analysis. The interview encourages five teachers, aged between 28 and 32; three women and two men; the questions in the interview are based on the strategies that teacher use to teach English in their universities. The purpose of the six class observations is to have evidences about the strategies that teachers use in order to develop students speaking skill. Finally, the researcher analyses the information gathered in the interviews. Three main aspects contribute to the results, these are the policies of the private universities, teachers’ perceptions of students’ problems in speaking and the reasons for the problems, and the strategies that teachers use to overcome these problems. Respect to the first aspect; in the private universities, the English language is compulsory for students also the private universities provide to their students laboratories where they can practices speaking and listening. In the second aspect, study mentions that students are better at reading and writing, they have more problems at speaking because they do not have enough vocabulary so they feel shy and do not want to speak in front of the class. Lastly, as students do not have enough English knowledge, teachers try to encourage student to participle in their classes through easy topics, in order for them to develop their speaking skill in the classes.

This research is very important respect to the educational field because in this way teachers can face what kind of problems students present in their developing of their speaking skill. So, in this way teachers can help students to solve these problems. Another important aspect to mention is that this study gives an idea about the big difference between a private and a public university; it reflects about the organization and the importance of English language in the educational system of each one of them. According to Farooqui (2007), English language teaching and learning has followed the traditional grammar translation method.

Sometimes teacher do not know exactly what are the main problems that students have rising speaking skill so they cannot help them to improve it. However, this research shows some of the reasons for what students have problems in speaking and the key strategy that most of the schools need to adopt in order to help students to be better when they speak. The key strategy is to make compulsory the development of speaking skill because in some cases, teachers do not force their students to express what they feel in English even though they commit mistakes while they speak.


Farooqui, S. (2007). Developing speaking skills of adult learners in private universities in Bangladesh: problems and solutions. Australian Journal of Adult Learning, 1. Retrieved from


Review of Line Shen “E-learning Constructive Role Plays for EFL Learners in China’s Tertiary Education”

This research is based on knowing why English students in China do not communicate effectively with other people; even though, the importance of speaking skill plays an important role in learning English as a foreign language in different Universities in China. This study investigates the implementation and effects of constructive roles play on Chinese EFL learners’ speaking in college English classes. First of all, at the beginning of the research there is a briefly introduction that talks about Avoid this phrase. constructivism, role plays and scaffolding. This study gives an over view of the terms that are used during the research. After that, the two main research questions are presented; they are the base for this research. These research questions talk about Reword.if constructive role plays have positive effect in English students and what students think about developing constructive role plays in English classes.

The participants of this study are 300 second-year non-English major undergraduate students enrolled in college English advanced classes, Runon sentence.they have previous knowledge because in their previous colleges they took English classes. For this research, students are classified into three main groups according to their English level. First of all, <u>we Stay in the third person. have students from high English level, and then we have students from medium English level and finally, we have students from a low level. They are graded according to the last English examination they had.In this research, there are different methods used in order to collect the information and to know how effective constructive role plays are in the English classes for producing the language in the classroom. The instruments design are speaking pretests and post-tests, student role play recording analysis, student questionnaires, and student interviews.  The results of the study are not clear.

Some teachers consider different aspects into the developing of speaking skill in their students. According to Shen (2011), considers three important aspects that are students’ speaking performance, students’ language productivity; and students’ attitudes towards the implementation of e-learning constructive role plays. This study is very important respect to education because it is important to know what aspcts teachers need to take into consideration in order to help them to be better. The results show first of all, that the constructive role plays have a positive effect on the improving of speaking performance of students from different English levels. Second; students retain the meaning of the original sentence. Finally, it shows that students prefer to work on constructive role plays.

It is a good research because sometimes teachers do not take into consideration students likes; we just give the class and do not take care about what our students want or need. Also this information is meaningful for teachers because they can realize that role plays are an effective strategy in order to improve students speaking skill and also they can notice that students like to work in this way. Maybe they do not remember the complete information but they can improvise and in this way teachers are helping our students to communicate with other people.


Shen, L. (2011).E-learning Constructive Role Plays for EFL Learners in China’s Tertiary Education. Retrieved from




Hoang, T. (2009). English Language Learners and the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. Retrieved from


Shen, L. (2011).E-learning Constructive Role Plays for EFL Learners in China’s Tertiary Education. Retrieved from


Smith, L. (1999).The International GTA Problem: A New Approach. Retrieved from


Baker, M.;Paver , J. and Zabelin, R. (2011). Increasing Respectful Behavior Through Verbal/Physical Recognition and Mini-Lessons With Ninth Through Twelfth Grade Students in Family and Consumer Science and Special Education. Retrieved from


Barbin, E.; Lomboy, C. and Soriano, E. (NY). Social Finance Programme & InFocus Programme on Boosting Employment through Small Enterprise Development. Retrieved from



  • Move your second article review to the top. Also, avoid writing words in all uppercase lettering, including headings. --Bnleez 12:18, 30 September 2011 (UTC)