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Employer:Vidyavardhini's, A. V. College of Arts,VASAI RD, Dist: Thane, 401 202.
Occupation:Associate Professor and Head, Department of Economics.
Other roles:1) Member, Board Of Studies in Economics, University of Mumbai, Mumbai.
Nationality:Indian Flag of India.svg

 Today is : 22, December 2024 
India MU

About Myself:

I am Dr. keshav ghorude, teaching economics, Department of economics, Vidyavardini's A. V. College of Arts,Vasai Rd (W), Dist:Thane, (Affiliated to University of Mumbai, Mumbai), which I had joined in July 1986.

Educational qualification:

I am M.A.; M. Phil and Ph.d. in Economics. My areas of interest are International Trade & Finance, Regional Development, Micro and Macro Economics.

Research Guide:

Recognized M.Phil and Ph. D. Research guide in Economics,University of Mumbai and YCMOU, Nashik.

Teaching Experience:

I have more than Twenty Eight Years of teaching experience at Degree College and thirteen years of Post-Graduate Level.


India's Special Economic Zones: Role and Critical Success Factors, Himalaya Publication,Mumbai,(2008),This book available on web site. Besides, I have Published Thirty Research Papers in Research Journals and Ten general articles in daily news papers and magazines.

My Hobbies:

I like to read favorite books in free time. I also like listening to old Hindi film songs on my lap top, while I am working.

My other interests:

Besides teaching in the college, I am actively involved in creating course content for Institute of Distance and Open Learning, University of Mumbai.

Any Other Information: == ==