=Name: Geoffrey Kironchi
Institution: University of Nairobi Kabete campus, College of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences
Address: Department of Land Resource Management & Agricultural Technology (LARMAT), 29053 00625 Nairobi
Title: Senior Lecturer, Department of LARMAT.
Background: I am a Soil Scientist, specialising in Soil and Water Manegement and Environmental Conservation. Currently I teach and carry out research and consultancy in dryland farming techniques, mainly, conservation tillage and water quality for smallholder irrigated urban and peri-urban agriculture. In the last two years I have grown interest and participated in training using DE/ODL in Agriculture and Environment in my Faculty. I have acquired some skills and experience in DE/ODL Content development.
- Soil and Water Conservation
- This is the description of the Lesson 1
- This is the description of Lesson 2
- This is the description of Lesson 3