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Website: | My weblog | ||||||||
Employer: | University Agency of Francophonie | ||||||||
Occupation: | Trainings Officer - Francophone Digital Campus of Bujumbura, Burundi | ||||||||
Other roles: | Trying to launch french chapter of the FLOSS4Edu Initiative | ||||||||
Nationality: | Cameroonian | ||||||||
Country: | Cameroon, Burundi | ||||||||
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Join or visit the french "Ressources Educatives Libres sur un Wiki"
Today, February 2th 2025 (at 22:37) there are 157,463 pages, 25,654 articles, 40,386 files and 80,796 users on this wiki ; you can increase this number by 1 by creating an account and helping develop Content and wiki skills on a global platform.
Leave me a message or see my detailed on french WikiEducator : User Jtouzi
[hide]My favorites quotes
- Dedicated to OER
- The greatest difficulty with the world is not its ability to produce, but the unwillingness to share. -- [ Roy L. Smith ]
- If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas. -- [ Bernard Shaw ]
- I hear and I forget, I see and I remember, I do and I understand or Tell me and I forget. Show me and I remember. Let me do and I understand. -- [ Confucius ]
- In the life
My Presentation
I'm Jibril TOUZI (Cameroonian living in Bujumbura, Burundi), holder of a Master in Multimedia and Internet Information Systems obtained at the university of Picardie Jules Verne in France ( and a MBA obtained at the university of Douala in Cameroon. I'm currently working in the University Agency of Francophonie as the Trainings Officer at the Francophone Digital Campus of Bujumbura, Burundi.
My Passion
Contribute to the development of Africa through ICT. I am very interested by eLearning and Free Software, which are a real oppotunity for Africa. During my lifetime I work with some university friends on the association CEMAC Libre which makes in the promotion of free software and Open Learning, I also try to lunch french WikiEducator, you can see my contrubutions here.
To do list
- Complete the translation of tutorials into french on French WikiEducator
- Prepare and facilitate the Cameroon Learning4Content workshop
- Prepare and facilitate the french online Learning4Content workshop
- Complete the Cameroon page on WE
- Promote FLOSS4Edu in institutions in Cameroon
Jibril's educational record
- 2006 : Master 2 Professionnel SIMI (Multimedia and Internet Information System), E-Learning – University of Picardie Jules Verne, France
- 2005 : MBA (Master en Administration des Entreprises / Master in Business Administration), University of Douala - Cameroon [ICT in Human Resources Management]
- 2002 : Maîtrise en Génie Informatique – University of Yaoundé 1 [Databases & Web applications Development]
- 2000 : Licence en Génie Informatique (Bachelor in Computer Science) – University of Dschang
- 1997 : Baccalauréat (GCE Advance Level) – Lycée of Penka-Michel [Mathematics & Physical Science]
Jibril's work history
- Since June, 2008 : University Agency of Francophonie - Trainings Officer at the Francophone Digital Campus of Bujumbura, Burundi.
- January - March 2008 : In charge of the course on ICT in the 3rd year AOM (Administrations Organization and Management) at the University Institute of Technology (University of Douala). In the same time I'm trying to introduce WikiEducator in the institution.
- May 2006 - May 2008 : Technical Coordinator of Information Systems Department of PMUC (Pari Mutuel urbain du Cameroun – company with more than 1200 employees around the country)
- November 2003 – April 2006 : Web (Internet and Intranet) Project Developer & Manager of PMUC (Pari Mutuel urbain du Cameroun) with in charge its Internet and Intranet Web sites, its internal webmail and the management of its computer park (computers, printers, keyboards, softwares, etc.). Many developments using Free and Open technologies :
- Websites development with administration interfaces :,,, (HTML, PHP, FLASH, MySQL, Photoshop, CSS, Apache, SQL).
- Intranet Development using the CMS TYPO3 ( : List of the personnel, agenda, LDAP authentification, visits targeted by user, services notes, recruitments, surveys, etc.) – More than 300 users.
- Integration of GLPI ( and OCS NG for the management of the IS department park (Computer, Help Desk, Screen, Servers, etc.) : Linux, PHP, Apache, MySQL
- Integration of PHPCollab for projects management : Linux, PHP, Apache, MySQL
- Daily management of the computers in the LAN (Local Area Network)
- Daily Technical Assistant to the users (for softwares and hardwares problems)
- Oct. 2002 – October 2003 : ITC.Com (International Trading of Cameroon), company specialised in the creation, development and lodging of websites. Responsible of web applications developments with ASP.Net, Microsoft SQL Server, Visual Studio .Net and IIS
- Computer Maintenance to customers
- Organization of the meetings with the customers
- Management of the projects of the Internet web sites of many custumers, companies like Fokou (, Douala Authority Port (, ASSOBACAM, etc.
- Hello Jibril, I understanding we are facilitating Group E together in The "WikiEducator Gives Back" Online Workshop. I look forward to working with you! --Benjamin Stewart 16:36, 20 July 2010 (UTC)
My Sandbox
Few pictures
- WikiArtisans
- WikiNeighbours
- User fr
- Linux Users
- Cape Town Open Education Declaration
- Twitter Users
- Cameroon
- Burundi
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- Integrating Technology
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- Moodle
- Professional Development
- Online facilitator
- Distance Education Hub
- Online Learning
- Distance Education
- Research
- Collaborations
- Collaborative Learning
- Education
- Teacher Education
- WikiEducator
- Teacher Collaboration
- Learning designer
- Curriculum Consultant
- WebQuest
- Wiki and OER Researchers
- Workshops
- Technology
- Trainer