Interdisciplinary Resources
This page provides resources across a wide range of disciplines. Since my doctorate is in the humanities (the most advanced degree you can get when you still don't know what you want to be when you grow up), I have tended to develop resources that were of value to scholars bridging over from one discipline to another, or seeking to promote dialogue and collaboration between disciplines.
In Other Words: A Lexicon of the Humanities
My first serious project interlinking several disciplines was to provide a lexicon where scholars from one discipline could compare how key terms are used across many disciplines. This project was begun in 1995, and serious development has stalled since 1997. I would like to invite other open education scholars to join me to extend this lexicon into new disciplines and collect more terms within each discipline.
One of the features of the current lexicon is that key terms are displayed with instances of the use of the terms by published authors in disciplines. This provides a context of use and many examples (where the database presently contains many examples) to show readers how the terms occur in paragraphs. Although it represents a secondary-source for the assertions made by authors, the quoted nature of the materials provide more of a primary-source feel to the text itself.
At present, the entire site is written in html code of its day, and I would like to see it transferred into more of the style of Wikipedia. In the meantime as I am waiting for guidance on how best to accomplish this, I will be uploading some of my research and commentary completed since this project.
Computer Basics
For students using computers for any academic work, a set of basic skills is essential. Correct understanding of certain hardware, software, and functions of computers can save time, money, and stress as students are completing their school assignments. Students should review the questions linked to this page and target any areas where their answers reveal a gap of understanding of skill. Instructors in any class should ask students these questions and assign tutorial activities for any indications of lack of skill or understanding.