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Contact-new.svg Sonja
Sonja 0.30.jpg
Certificate yellow.svg
This user was certified a Wiki Apprentice Level 1 by Nelliemuller .

Who am I?

Personal Information

Sonja 0.30.jpg

My name is Sonja and I'm employed as a materials developer at the Namibian College of Open Learning. Before joining NAMCOL I used to be a teacher in

  • English
  • Development Studies, and to a lesser extent
  • History.


Reading, enjoying the outdoors, consuming literature on Distance Education, especially the development of self-instructional materials. Rowntree is a must-read for any potential materials developer who intends to devlop self-instructional materials.

Reading about postcolonial theorists such as Spivak, Bhabha, Said,[1] etc.intrigues me. Booklist

Other interest

Part-time instructional designer at the Polytechnic of Namibia Part-time student in Africa Studies at the University of the Free State in South Africa. Field of interest is postcolonialism



Intellectual Property Rights Policy

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  1. Discuss the Gramscian notion of the subaltern
  2. Write a critique of the views of the following postcolonial theorists:
    • Bhabha
    • Spivak, and
    • Said

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Case Study

To do list

Feedback & Notes from my WikiNeighbours

(Comment.gif: Hi Sonja I hope you are enjoying your practice in wikieducator if you need any help just ask me warm wishes Rima 11:14, 27 August 2009 (UTC))


Hello and welcome to eL4C29, a free online Learning4Content wiki skills workshop.

Enjoy the workshop.
Patsy portrait 1.jpg

You may wish to check the schedule and layout of the workshop and introduce yourself.

  1. Click on the link EL4C29.
  2. The page that will open is the workshop page with all the links you will be using during the workshop.
  3. See your name in the list of participants.
  4. Whenever you have time click on each of the boxes.
  5. You may even start with Day 1 activities.
Enjoy the workshop.