Library/Research skills for year 9 students
I am a Librarian at a co-educational secondary school in Dunedin New Zealand. My passion is turning students on to books and creating a community of life long readers.
I write book reviews on young adult books for a local publisher and an Australisian magazine.
I like to travel to experience other countries, their history and cultures.
Work History
I am of 'mature' years and have taken advantage of various opportunities so have enjoyed a varied work history. I graduated with NZLSC in the final class of the Library Studies school in Wellington before the qualification was taken over by the Open Polytechnic.
Current employment
I work as a Librarian/Library Manager at Logan Park High School. I have been at this school since 1994 as Librarian and for the last 6 years as sole charge manager as well. I run a library skills programme for all year 9 classes. Each class comes in to the library for 1 hour per week. As part of this programme I read a picture book to the class, 'book talk' new titles and hopefully pass on my enthusiam for reading.
Previous experience
I have worked as a lab assistant in a medical laboratory in the 1960s, and with my husband owned a 7 day dairy/mini market during the 1070s in Dunedin as well as being Mum to our 2 children. We moved to Richmond near Nelson in 1980 and operated a parcel delivery business. I experienced casual work in the horticultural industry on a boysenberry farm and preparing spagnum moss for export, my most unusual job. My library career started during this time as a parent helper at my childrens' school. We returned to Dunedin in 1990 where I worked as a baker and waitress before obtaining a library position.