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Contact-new.svg Krishna
Flag of New Zealand.svg New Zealand
Flag of New Zealand.svg New Zealand

About Myself


Hi my name is Krishna,
I like to play and watch sport.
I like AC/DC, Creed, Iron Maiden and Rock.
I like Harley Davidson's.
I am currently studying at EIT in Taradale.
I love watching State Of Origin, I am a hearty !!Queenslander!!

[This is a link to a youtube video, Click to view] }}

Blog RSS Feed

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Failed to load RSS feed from There was a problem during the HTTP request: 410 Gone


The cite extension

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Use the cite extension in Wikipedia to paste a URL into your user page


{{ MLA style Wikipedia contributors. "Educational technology." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 16 Mar. 2016. Web. 16 Mar. 2016. }}

Blog RSS Feed

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Failed to load RSS feed from There was a problem during the HTTP request: 410 Gone


5.1.3 On this wiki page add your name (use Krishna) and include the final picture of your PLN: Examples from 2015

an image that shows what my PLN is :)
Phyzard (talk) 07:54, 5 April 2015 (UTC)

My PLN image
-Nottaane (talk) 04:31, 18 April 2015 (UTC)

My Personal Learning Network

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Assessed Activity 5.1 (2016)
  • 5.1.1: In your Blog, reflect on the PLN presentation. Think about your personal learning, your PLN and some of the challenges ahead of you. Some questions you may ask:
    • how am I dealing with information bloat, with getting the right information streams for me, with filter bubble?
    • am I covering all aspects of my PLN, the conversation and the information streams, as well as having an appropriate place to file things and to show my portfolio.
    • how do I balance use of my PLN with actually getting things done?
  • 5.1.2 Map your Personal Learning Network (as you want it to be) with whatever tool you're comfortable with. Put your name, an avatar (with your initials), or an abbreviation in the middle (e.g. MichaelV's PLN). Tip: for inspiration take a look at the PLNs of previous EIT classes or Scott Leslie's collection of PLE diagrams in the Resources below, and add to this wiki page.
  • 5.1.3 On this wiki page add your name (use ~~~~) and include the final picture of your PLN. If you have forgotten how to add an image check out the Superquick wiki guide (link at the bottom of the page)
  • 5.1.4 In your blog write a one or two paragraph reflection on your intended PLN and how you think it will give you a learning edge, and include your PLN map.
  • Source: 2015 MyPLN

Exploring Cloud tools

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Assessed Activity 5.2 (2016)
  • 5.2.1 Add a cloud tool or choose one Cloud Tool from [1]
  • 5.2.2: In the table below on the Cloud Tools page, enter the Tool name and your name. That way there will be no double ups.
  • 5.2.3 Throughout this week, explore your chosen tool, "take it for a spin"
  • 5.2.4 by Monday (next week) do the following
    • write a review of the tool's function (what does it do?),
    • explain how it can be used for learning or in education,
    • link to two examples of its use (can be your own examples, or two examples you find by someone else)
  • 5.2.5 Add all of your findings to the table below and be prepared to discuss in class
  • Source: 2016 Cloud Tools Activity



Educational technology. (2016, March 16). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 22:07, March 16, 2016, from
Digital learning. (2014, September 29). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 22:18, March 16, 2016, from