User:Gita Mathur/Advanced Learner Workshop EL4C22
I am participating in an On Line Advanced Learning Workshop April 27 to May 1, 2009.
I will do my EL4C22 workshop related advanced activities here.
My Pilot Project will be on "Innovations in Teaching Plant Sciences"
Innovations in Teaching Plant Sciences
[hide]Day 1 (27 April 2009)
Instructions by Facilitator (will be in Green)
Hello Everyone,
Welcome to the free wiki skills training workshop for WikiEducator.... This is a self-paced 5-day workshop with facilitator support from Randy Fisher and Gladys Gahona.
1. WikiEducator community 2. Professional development on WikiEducator 3. WE activities 4. Basic Text Formating Tutorial 5. Open Educational Resources (OERs) / Pilot Projects 6. OER teaching resource 7. Share ideas for your OER teaching resource / Pilot Project
Today, you will learn about the WikiEducator Community - we are over 8,500 users strong! - as well as Basic Text Formatting, your Learning Contract, and Open Educational Resources (OERs) and Pilot Projects.
You will also learn basic wiki text formatting, as well as information about OERs, and developing an OER teaching resource.
For example, creating a teaching resource or pilot project could fulfill your Learning Contract requirements, and add to WikiEducator's pool of professional development resources.
Please click on thes link for EL4C22 – DAY 1:
We are watching all of the activities in the course.
If you are having any difficulty please email me or or Gladys at We understand that it can be quite challenging at the beginning, so if you're having 'issues', please ask for help.
We are online most of the time and will respond ASAP!!
Have a great day!
The Facilitators of EL4C22 Randy Fisher Gladys Gahona (skype:chela5808)
My notes (will be in Brown)
- I had a very hectic day at the University Evaluation Centre, so just ran through the activities at night.
- The links are nice and I got a feel of advancements in the workshop.
- Added to feedback and Intro pages.
- Helped some newbies.
Day 2 (28 April 2009)
Today's activities are available at:
Specifically, today's activities include:
1. Complete the WikiEducator Survey 2. Download the Wiki Cheat Sheets 3. Add Internal & External Hyperlinks 4. Network with your Peers: Browse the Participant List & their OER Interests
As is the wiki way, please share your feedback so that we can improve the workshop content and process. You can do so, by directly editing on this page:
As always, if you have any comments, questions or concerns, please do let us know!
We are online most of the time and will respond ASAP!!
Have a great day!
The Facilitators of EL4C22
- Went to the links & got good ideas about advancing my own page for content.
- I can even think about aa online course in Botany for my students.
- Saw the youtube video by Leigh.
- Browsed the Participant List & their OER Interests.
- Added to feedback page.
- I visited most pages to see the progress. Stopped myself from adding any comment to those pages which I think need more time. Comments my unduly pressurize them....that is what I feel. I think this is being a good wikineighbour, help where needed; wait patiently.
Day 3 (29 April 2009)
Hi Everyone,
Please go at your own pace to develop these wiki skills. We do understand that it’s been a fast pace --- that’s why we’re going to give you a one (1)-day break, so that you can catch your breath.
I've been looking at the Course Feedback page - - It's looking great, and I'm glad that you're using the wiki to share your thoughts. Keep those thoughts and insights coming!
ALSO, I've just noticed that WikiEd has reached 8,986 registered Users. This rapid growth has helped propel WikiEducator to be in the world’s top 100,000 websites. We’re now ranked at 98,504. Thanks for making WE one of the fastest-growing wikis in the world!
- Adding an Image
- Attribution for Images
- Your Teaching Resource Page (continued...)
- Searching WikiEducator
If you need any help, please don't hesitate to ask – we’re on email, instant message and skype.
Have a great day!
- Randy, Gladys & Patricia
- Adding na image is one of my favourites.
Some useful tips are
Visit my user page and
Note the followings:
- a smiley image in the top box
- picture of Flag of India in a small size on top of the page
- small photo of me just below the flag
- my photo inside the box on the right
- images of Wiki Certification, Wikineighbour and Ubuntu user in the box
- four bigger photos one below the other. Read the caption by holding the curser on the photo
- my photo Gallery with thumbnails and captions in frame
- click on the thumbnails to see enlarged photo.
- Flag of India in a big size. Showing movement
- image of a string of flowers, bright & showing sparkling effect.
- additional smilies in many places
- three contact sheets each having 12 photos under a Photo gallery of Bryophyta Hub.
- click on them to enlarge and click again to further enlarge
- Microscopic image of dividing cells of onion root tip to show all the stages of cell division. click to enlarge the photo.
- at the bottom of the page see the ornamental bells string image
- Tux, the logo of Linux.
- last is an animated teacher asking you to check out my page :-)
See all the options, select the one you prefer when you want to add a picture on your WikiEducator page.
Tips for renaming images/photos before uploading to WikiEducator
Image name Tips:
1. Names should be short but specific. I have used GargiWEGita1, GargiWEGita2 etc. 2. Avoid spaces as spaces get replaced by underscore eg. "Gargi WE Gita 1" will become "Gargi_WE_Gita_1", it can be a source of error on adding to user page. 3. Image name should not be common words like 'scene' or 'smile' or 'My Photo' which have the risk of duplication. 4. Image name can be kept as a constant series eg. GargiWEGita1, GargiWEGita2 etc. keep increasing the no. whenever you add new image. 5. We at WE give suggestions for renaming, not strict rules. WikiEducator is all about innovations :-)
Day 4 (30 April 2009)
Please click on this link:
Today you will learn about how to keep track of activities in the wiki, as well as your own wiki pages. WikiEducator is a very dynamic place.
1. Collaborative Editing...Keeping Track of Activity in the Wiki & on Your Wiki Pages 2. Analysing Your Contribution page 3. Visiting Your Country Page 4. Networking with Your Peers
Have a great day! The Facilitators of EL4C22 Randy Fisher
- Saw the box about a WIZiQ session for today and joined the session
- Visited pages of many participants and added messages & looked at the content.
- helped some with images
- Looked at the contributions and Recent Changes special pages.
- Visited the Feedback, user names and Introductions pages.
Day 5 (1 May, 2009)
Hello Everyone,
You have made huge strides in the last 24 hours.
You are not into the homestretch of this course, but not the end by no means. You now have the basic skills to develop OERs (standalone) and Pilot Projects on WikiEducator.
By now, we hope you have learned that you can always ask someone in the community for help – especially when you are confused or frustrated <smile>. You can do this by emailing one of your colleagues, the facilitators, or posting a note in the main WikiEducator Google Group:
We want to let you know why the course is called L4C Advance:. eL4C22 is designed to “advance” wiki skill development, wikis as means of collaborative learning, and open education . We started the workshop with OERs and development of your OER Teaching Resource/Pilot Project in the context of your Professional Development. By applying your wiki skills to a Pilot Project directly relevant to your workplace / professional interests, you can “advance” further.
A Pilot Project will allow you to increase your skills and engage others in your organization / institution. As your facilitator, we would like to support you in the process and also connect / introduce you to others in the WE Community. You can tap into the participants' user information from previous L4C workshops to gain information and connect with others who share similar interests.
1. Developing your Pilot Project 2. Navigation: Organizing Your Pages 3. Quality Assurance 4. Other Nodes on WikiEducator 5. Free Cultural Works, Copyright & Licensing
If you're a bit behind, please don't worry – there is still time to complete the course, even after it is officially over.
Warm wishes,
The Facilitators of EL4C22
Randy Fisher
Gladys Gahona
email: skype:chela5808
Patricia Schlicht
If you haven't yet done so, please do complete your Learning Contract, and email or fax it to one of us:
(Fax:+1 604.775.8210)
Gladys Gahona
Private Teacher (Math, Physics, Chemistry) Secondary & Tertiary grades.
- Visited pages suggested by facilitators.
- Visited Introduction and Feedback pages of ths workshop.
- Read more about Copyright etc. and brushed up my knowledge
- I have been added to the WikiEducator India page as the Featured WE for May 2009. Thanked all those who sent their wishes & kind words both on Google Groups and emails.
- Started more activity for the upcoming online workshop EL4C26 where I am a co-facilitator and an helping Nellie.
- Learnt about Google Docs, saw the video. This is a new mode for the upcoming workshop.
Hi Everyone,
We're just about done!
You have made a great deal of progress and you're well on your way to using WikiEducator as a Platform for educational development and learning. Please remember that we have a vibrant community of supportive educators who are here to help you ~ all you need to do is ASK! <smile>
Please click on this page:
Today's activities involve:
- Keep working on your OER Page
- Getting feedback on your OER page or Pilot Project
- Sending in your Learning Contract (if you haven't already done so)
- Requesting Certification
- Subscribing to the main WikiEducator Discussion Group.
- Giving feedback about the course
If you have any questions or comments, we would be delighted to hear them....
Warm wishes, The Facilitators of EL4C22
Randy Fisher
Gladys Gahona email: skype:chela5808
Patricia Schlicht