Hi, my name is Fiona Spence. I am a learning designer currently working on a ‘freelance’ basis. I live in Auckland, New Zealand and have spent the last three years working at the University of Auckland in what was the Centre for Flexible and Distance Learning.
Apart from the satisfaction of actually figuring out designs for learning, I really enjoy working alongside teachers/lecturers –not always easy, but it’s a great pleasure watching people change as they discover new teaching and learning approaches.
I’m currently doing a bit of ‘discovery’ myself by working through the Wikieducator tutorial here within WikiEducator. I’m trying to get a handle on the wiki phenomenon with a view to helping develop some learning design resources for and using WikiEducator...a little later down the track.
(: Fiona, have you come across a fellow named Jim Edwards, past president of the World Veterinary Association ~ he's in NZ --Randy Fisher 05:42, 3 October 2008 (UTC))