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Occupation: | Strategic Consultant in Educational Planning & Pedagogy | ||
Country: | Iran | ||
Research focus: application of System's Approach to Planning of Adult Education & Lifelong Learning, application of Cognitive & Constructivist School of thought in Teaching-Learning process.
A. Education
1. University of Lausanne (Switzerland), Ph.D. in pedagogy.
2. International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP-UNESCO, Paris), IIEP's Diploma.
B. Employment Record
1. National Center for Adult Education (Teheran): Needs Assessment, Instructional Design, and Staff Development.
2. Institute for Educational Research, University for Teacher Education, (Teheran): Research on Comparative Lifelong Learning.
3. International Institute for Adult Literacy (Teheran, UNESCO): Case Studies on Andragogy Methods.
4. International Bureau of Education, (Geneva): Comparative Study on Adult Ed. in Developing Countries
C. Teaching Experience
1. Instructor
- Teheran University Faculty of Ed. / Tarbiyat Modaress Uni. / Shahid Beheshti Uni., Faculty of Education,& Faculty of Medicine (Teheran).
- Makarere Uni. (Kampala , Uuganda ) & Terbuka Uni. (IKIP / Jakarta, Indonesia).
2. Team Leader
- Designing and developing workshops on Educational Planning / Curriculum Planning / Strategic Planning in Education / Application of Pedagogy in ICT for e-Learning.
D. Consultancies
1. Directorate of in-service training (Ministry of Ed.Teheran): Planning of Staff Development.
2. Iranian National Commission for UNESCO: Workshop on Curriculum Develop.
3. Iranian Association for Educational Research: Workshop on Life Long Learning.
4.Center for Dialogue between Civilisations (Teheran): Lifelong Learning: a Perquisite for Civil Society.
5. Ministry of Education (Teheran): A Strategic & Systemic Conceptual Model for National Educational Master Plan.
E. Publications
1. Mashayekh, F. (1974). Paolo Freire: the man, his ideas, and their implications. In Literacy Discussion, IIALM,Teheran, pp.1-60.
2. Mashayekh, F. (1976). Methodologie De L'Alphabetisation Fonctionelle: Une Application De L'Approche Des Systemes. (These, Grade de Docteur es Sciences Pedagogiques, Universite de Lausanne).Tehran: Imprimerie INCADET.
3.Mashayekh, F. (1980). Literacy program and lifelong education system in Algeria. In A Survey of LiteracyPrograms in the Revolutionary Countries.(pp101-115). Tehran: University for Teacher Education. (in Persian).
4._________________. Literacy campaign in P.R.Vietnam. . In A Survey of Literacy Programs in the Revolutionary Countries (pp45-62). Tehran: University for Teacher Education. (in Persian).
5.______________(1983). L'alphabetisation des adultes en Republique Islamique d'Iran. Convergence: An International Journal of Adult Education, Vol. X VI(4):65-75.
6. Lewy, A.. (1977). Planning the School Curriculum. .Translated into Persian by F. Mashayekh (1st edn.1983/20th edn.2004). Tehran: Madraseh Publications.
7.Unesco. The Process of Educational Planning. Translated into Persian by F. Mashayekh (1st edn.1988 /10th edn.1990).Tehran: Madraseh Publications.
8.Kaufman, R.& Herman, J.(1991). Strategic Planning in Education. Translated into Persian by F. Mashayekh & A. Bazargan.1st edn.1995,2nd edn. 2003). Tehran: Madraseh Publications.
9.World Bank. Evaluating Vocational and Technical Training (A practical guide) . translated into Persian by F. Mashayekh (1994). Tehran: Department of Teacher In-service Training.Ministry of Education.
10. Mashayekh, F.(1997). A Glance at the Educational System of France: Rethinking, Restructuring and Revitalizing. (IER Monograph series,No.6.). Tehran: Institute for Educational Research. (in Persian).
11. Bazargan-Machayekh, F.(1997). Quete pour les representations mentales du sens chez l'enseignant & l'enseigne. In Actes Des XIXes Journees Internationales sur la Communication, L'Education et la Culture Scientifiques et Industrielles. Chamonix, France: Centre Jean Franco.
12. Mashayekh, F. (2000). New Perspectives in Educational Planning. (4th edn.2004).Tehran: SAMT.
13.-----------------.(2005). LaConstruction des Schemas Cognitives par les mots et par les choses pour apprendre a vivre ensemble. Les Actes Des XXVI Journees Internationales de Chamonix, France.
14. Rychen D.S. & Tiona, A. (2002). Translated by: F.Machayekh & M. Djavadi. Developing Key Competencies in Education. IBE,Geneva.
15. Machayekh, F. (2002). "Educational Planning" in: Educational Sciences: Nature & Domain. Samt publication. Tehran,Iran. pp. 197-224.
16. Machayekh, F. (2006). "Reviewing the Meaning of Learning",in: Communication within the Educational System in Iran. Ministry of Science & Technology. Tehran, Iran. pp.59-71.
17. Machayekh, F. (2006). "Learning Communities", presented at The Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Tehran, Iran, November, 2006.
18. Machayekh, F. (2007). "Lifelong Learning in Knowledge Society", presented at GIAN Winter School, Georg-August-Universitat, Gottingen, Germany, January, 2007.