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Contact-new.svg David Smith
Country:South Africa
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This user was certified a Wiki Apprentice Level 1 by Randyfisher .

About Me

David Smith is a media specialist, OKAPI Consulting with more than two decades experience devising and implementing large-scale radio projects. His biggest project to date is setting up the Radio Okapi network in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Radio Okapi continues to broadcast in six languages from studios throughout the DRC on FM, shortwave and the internet, covering a territory larger than Western Europe. It is the largest United Nations operation of its kind, and is the most listened to and trusted national radio service in the country.

David Smith’s career in development began in Zimbabwe, and included work as a journalist in South Africa; as Head of Programmes at Capital Radio in Durban, where he implemented a new South African format coined Afritude; as a producer for the international service of the public broadcasters of Canada and the Netherlands; as executive producer for United Nations Radio at UN Headquarters in New York; as well as setting up a peacekeeping radio service in the Central African Republic and former Yugoslavia.

Recent Projects

Recent projects include establishing radio networks for refugees from Darfur, preparing the ground for community radio stations in Southern Chad, evaluating humanitarian radio projects as far a field as Sudan, Afghanistan and Angola and preparing transition strategies for United Nations post conflict radio operations with a view to transforming them into new public broadcasters.

David Smith is also spearheading a project to create a Pan African Commercial Public Service broadcaster. The project is in its developmental stage.

David Smith was born in Canada, studied at Concordia University in Montreal, and moved to Zimbabwe shortly after independence as part of a Canadian government development programme to that country.

My Work Interests

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Book Reviews

My Professional Development Interests

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