User:Charles.ey/My sandbox
Objective: Introduction to Computer Systems
This course gives the fundamentals of computer systems.
Target group: Higher school students and above
Delivery Method
Open education materials are provided and the students are requested study them properly and do the quizzes and exams.
Online meetings will be held every Thursdays from 9.00 AM to 10.00 AM.
Audience Log-in URL: Media:Http://
Registration Form URL: Media:Http://
Participants are highly encouraged to post questions and follow other threads in the discussion forum.
Resources: Computers are amazing machines which are turning the life of humans into a new dimension. Have you ever wondered how these machines are made of. Looking inside a computer will give you a basic idea of the components of a computer, ie. the hardware. See the following interesting tutorials and videos of Computer Hardware:
Take the following quizzes and see how much you have understood:
Quiz 1
Quiz 2
With the brief introduction to the Computer hardware now it is time to look into more detail about each component. Follow the material provided here:
Source 2
Source 3
Additional Resources:
Participants are advised to register and follow Computer Systems Architecture from MIT Open courseware.