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Contact-new.svg Bernard Combes
Website:DESD website
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My name is Bernard Combes, and I have signed up for this online workshop to learn more about wikis.

My profile

I am the information officer for the section for the coordination of the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development at UNESCO. I am thus part of the team that manages the coordination role that the UN has given to UNESCO for the United Nations Decade for Education for Sustainable Development DESD (2005-2014). I am in charge of information/documentation, communication, public relations, internet activities and learning materials development, and among other things, designing and managing the DESD website. I also act as the UNESCO Focal Point for the Earth Charter.

Some current projects

Other work experiences

Prior to this, I worked for 13 years with UNESCO’s Early Childhood programmes, where I dealt with issues related to early childhood and children’s rights information/documentation, multimedia materials development, partnership, networking and advocacy throughout the world, and acted as the Focal Point for Information and Communication Technologies of UNESCO’s Basic Education Division. I was also involved with international initiatives related to children and values education, HIV/AIDS, and ICTs; as well as initiatives to empower women through the creation of innovative early education structures in rural West Africa.

Following graduation from the School for International Training (Brattleboro, Vermont) and prior to working with UNESCO’s Education Sector, I was involved with research, publications and databases on development and humanitarian NGOs and networks both at UNESCO in the Social and Human Sciences Sector and at the OECD Development Center. I also worked as a bilingual technical writer, designing and writing service documentation for Bull computer company support staff in Europe (manuals for the installation, use and maintenance of products and applications).

Other types of involvement

ESD Poster. If you want to know more about sustainability, go here.

I have participated in a number of advisory committees for initiatives involving the use of Information Technologies to improve information exchange and sharing on children's issues and child rights, such as the Children's House in Cyberspace initiative, the Francophone advisory group for the World Bank IMPACT (Information Management Project for Action, Communications and Training) project, or the ECD Gateway advisory panel (part of the World Bank Global Development Gateway).

I am also a member of the advisory/editorial boards of several professional magazines related to sustainability, children, lifestyle issues. I am a senior member of the Society for Technical Communication (STC), and have contributed articles to the journals of this association.

Other information

A French citizen, I have lived over 23 years overseas (Morocco, India, Singapore, South Vietnam, South Korea, United States) and have traveled in Asia, Southern Africa, North America, the Caribbean and Europe. I am married and have 2 daughters. We live in Courbevoie, a small city just outside of Paris.

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Web Resources

  • DESD website -
  • TLSF programme -

Wiki content project

The content resource I am interested in developing is linked to the internal awareness training campaign about "green" behaviours and environmental responsibility for our own staff - that we are slowly putting in place as part of the UN Decade of Education for sustainable development.


As part of our work, we are seeking to pilot a set of awareness-raising tools to encourage acting in environmentally, economically, socially and culturally sustainable ways within our Organization for a more sustainably responsible UN agency. We are thinking of some awareness workshops, so I will develop a resource for these workshops, that would allow staff members to get additional information and some tips for better sustainable behaviours at work.

my wiki content resource

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