Date & Time : 21, December 2024 16:49
Curriculum Vitae of Dr. Amarendra Behera
Dr. Amarendra Prasad Behera,Professor of Educational Technology and Head ICT and Training Division,Central Institute of Educational Technology (CIET), NCERT,Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi-110016, India
Date of Birth: 1st July, 1969 (Kendrapara District of Orissa)
Date on which appointed as Lecturer (regular service): 5th January, 1996 and Professor from 5th January, 2011.
Educational Qualification
- Matriculation in the year 1984 from Board of Secondary Education (BSE), Bhubaneswar, Orissa
- Intermediate (10+2) in the year 1986 Council of Higher Secondary Education (CHSE), Bhubaneswar, Orissa
- B.A. (10+2+3)(Education Hon’s) in the year 1989 from Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, Orissa
- M.A. (Education) in the year 1991 from Panjab University, Chandigarh (UT)
- M.Phil. (Education)in the year 1992 from Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra,Haryana
- Ph.D. (Education)in the year 1998 from Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, Haryana
- Title of the Ph.D. Thesis: “The Effect of Radio Intervention Programme on the Language and Cognitive development of Preschool Children”
List of Publications
- Radio Broadcast for Primary School Children Published in the Journal of Primary Teacher (October, 1995, No.4, Vol.XX) by NCERT, New Delhi.
- Rural-Urban differences in creativity: A study in Navodaya Vidyalayas of Orissa, Published in the Journal of Educational Research and Extension, Coimbator, Tamilnadu (1996).
- Wrote a lesson on "Administration, Supervision and Financing in ECCE Centre" as a part of Vocational Certificate Course in ECCE, for National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS)[earlier National Open School ].This has been published in September, 2000.
- Participatory Learning at Preschool Level through Educational Broadcasting" a paper published by National institute of Open Learning (NIOS) in the OSAC Journal of Open Schooling, Vol.II, number.1, July, 2002
- A Profile on "Sri Rabindranath Tagore" Published in the Journal Primary Teacher, Vol.XXX, No.1, May 2004 Vol. XXIX, No. 2, page 98, April 2004, published by NCERT.
- A Book Review on"New Dimensions of Educational Technology"by Dr.R.P.Pathak, Published by Radha Publications, 4378/4-B, Ansari Road, Daryaganj, New Delhi in the year 2003, Pp. 222, Rs. 225/- and has been published in the Journal of Indian Education published (JIE), Vol.XXX, No.1, page 105, May 2004 by NCERT.
- Effective Use of Radio Broadcast in School Level: Experiences of NCERT" a paper presented in the National Seminar on Radio Broadcast, organised by DEP-DPEP at IIC from 27-28 May, 03 has been published in the DEP- DPEP, IGNOU, India report 2003, page 50.
- “Development of Educational Audio Strategies for Better Scripting and Production”, Published in the Journal of Indian Education, Vol.XXXI, No.3, November 2005, published by NCERT.
- Effectiveness of Mastery Learning: An Indian Experience by Mona Yadav, (Published by Academic Excellence, 42 Ekta Apartments, Geeta Colony, Delhi-110 031) A book review in Published in the Journal of Indian Education, Vol.XXXI, No.3, November 2005, published by NCERT.
- Early Childhood Education: The Challenge and the Opportunity, Mohanty, Sukant Kumar (Gagandeep Publications, 212-Krishna Street No.2, Maujpur, Delhi-110 053) Published in the Journal of Indian Education, Vol.XXXI, No.2, August 2005, published by NCERT.
- EDUSAT and its Utilisation published in the New Letter-DHARA of R.C. Institute of Technology-2008 (under Guru Govind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi) Nazafgarh, New Delhi
- Joint author of an article on Quality of Teacher Education Programme: A few problems and strategies, Published in EDUTRACKS-A monthly Scanner of Trends in Education, Vol.7, No.9, May, 2008 by Neelkamal Publications Pvt. Ltd, Sultan Bazar, Hyderabad-500 095, Andhra Pradesh
- Capacity Building of Teachers, published in the book on Quality Elementary Education-Researches and Issues, by Mahamaya Publishing House, New Delhi in 2008
- “Satellite Communication in Education” the paper has been published as a chapter in an edited Book on Educational Technology, published by Goyal Brothers, Delhi in 2008
Innovations/Design of Training courses/Course curricula
A.Design and organisation of Training Courses:
1996 Elementary Education Level
- Training course on ETV script writing for script writers, producers and Faculty members of Mizoram State at SCERT, Mizoram, Aizwal as trainer from 14th -18th October, 1996.
- Training course on Audio Script Writing and Production for the producers, scriptwriters and faculty members of six SIETs at CIET, NCERT in 1996
1997 Elementary Education Level
- Training course on Audio Script Writing and Production for the producers, scriptwriters and faculty members of SIETs and SCERT, Haryana at CIET, NCERT in 1997.
1998 Secondary Education Level
- Associated as Faculty in the training/orientation of the teacher educators of IASEs / CTEs of Orissa, Bihar and West Bengal state on Educational Technology from 14th -24th April 1998 at RIE, Bhubaneswar as a training faculty.
1999 Elementary Education Level
- Training course on ETV and Educational Audio script writing for scriptwriters, producers and Faculty members of Nagaland State at SCERT, Nagaland, Kohima from 22nd -27th February, 1999.
2001 Elementary Education Level
- Orientation Course on Educational Technology for the ET Faculty of DIETs of North-Eastern States from 18th -28th February, 2002 at CIET, NCERT.
2002 Elementary Education Level
- Training Course on Audio Script Writing and Production for the ET Faculty of SCERTs and DIETs of Haryana State from 30th September to 11th October, 2002 February, 2002 at CIET, NCERT.
- Associated as Faculty in the Orientation Course on Educational Technology for the ET Faculty of DIETs of Kerala and Tamilnadu States from 31st March to 10th April, 2003 at Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirapalli, Tamilnadu.
2003 Elementary Education Level
- Orientation Course on Educational Technology for the ET Faculty of SCERTs and DIETs of North-Eastern States from 8th -18th October, 2003 at CIET, NCERT.
- Associated as Faculty in the Orientation Course on Educational Media Script Writing and Programme Production for North Eastern States, from 13th to 23rd January 2004 at NE -RIE, Shillong, Meghalaya.
2004 Elementary Education Level
- Associated in the Orientation Programme for the Key Personnel's of SCERTs in ETV Script Writing and Production for EDUSAT, from 4th-8th January, 2005 at CIET, NCERT
- Associated in the Orientation Programme for the Key Personnel's of SCERTs in ETV Script Writing and Production for EDUSAT, from 15th-19th March, 2005 at CIET, NCERT
November 2004 to March 2009 Elementary and Secondary and Sr. Secondary education Level
- Associated in dissemination of vision of NCF-2005 among all the stake holders i.e. teachers (both Private and Government Managed), teacher educators of SCERTs, DIETs, CTEs and IASEs through orientation and training programmes in face-to face and distance mode. Also organized rural teachers meet at RIE-Ajmer and Bhubaneswar for the teachers of Northern, Western, Eastern and North-Eastern states UTs.
- Organized Orientation of Principals, Rectors and Education Officers of Central Tibetan School Administration (CTSA) on National Curriculum Framework at Central Tibetan School Administration, Rohini, New Delhi, from 28 to 30 (three days) May, 2008. Twenty-Nine (29) Principals, Rectors and Education Officers form 08 states (Arunachal Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Uttrakhand, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Chattisgarh, Orissa, Sikkim, and West Bengal) participated in the programme. Of these 4 participants were from CTSA schools of North-Eastern states (Arunachal Pradesh-3 and Sikkim-1). The objective of the programme was to sensitise the CTSA personnel on the critical ideas and issues reflected in the NCF-2005 and to share the rich experiences of CTSA functionaries working in different corners of our country.
B. Innovations:
- Associated in the training/orientation of facilitators (DIET Faculty) under the utilization of interactive video-technology in special orientation of primary school Teachers of Madhya Pradesh (tele – SOPT) in August 1996.
- Associated in the training/orientation of facilitators (DIET Faculty) and primary school Teachers under the utilization of interactive audio-technology in orientation of primary school Teachers of Indore Education Division, Madhya Pradesh from 22nd -24th March, 1999 as a trainer and researcher.
- Associated in organisation of two Capacity Building Training Programmes for the ET Cells of SCERTs and DIETs as a preparation towards the utilisation of EDUSAT.
- As a resource person associated in Orientation of Teachers of Navodaya Vidyalayas and Kendriya Vidyalayas on NCF-2005 and New Textbooks through video conferencing by using EDUSAT network from 26 June to 6 August 2006 through which 12000 teachers were trained.
- Associated in Orientation of Teacher Educators of SCERTs/SIEs, DIETs, CTEs, IASEs of 22 states and UTs in three phases (Andhra Pradesh, Chandigarh, Chhattisgarh, Delhi, Goa, Gujarat, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Manipur, Mizoram, Meghalaya, Orissa, Pudducherry, Punjab, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal) on National Curriculum Framework-2005 through video conferencing by using EDUSAT network from 18 January, 2007 to 9th February, 2007, November 26 to 30, 2007 and March 4 to 10, 2008 in which about 8000 teacher educators were trained.
C. Research and Evaluation:'
- Tested the scripts and produced programmes with the target audience of 3-6 year (pre-school children) and 6-14 years (Primary school children) which were produced under the Radio-Broadcast “UMANG”
- Associated to organize the workshop on development of research tools for evaluation of the Tele-Sopt programme in Madhya Pradesh and also assisted to develop evaluation tools for the study during August, 96.
- Associated for development of tools, training of teachers and research staff, collection of data and their analysis for the impact evaluation study of centrally sponsored scheme of educational technology from 1999to 2003.
- Worked on a research project i.e.“ Monitoring of Four hours Educational TV Channel (GYAN DARSHAN) for feedback purposes and for this purpose monthly report were prepared and circulated among all concerned.
- Undertaken a research project i.e. Study of Training Needs of Educational Technology cells of DIETs, IASEs, CTEs and SCERTs.
D. Course Curricula Developed:
- A lesson on "Administration, Supervision and Financing in ECCE Centre" as a part of Vocational Certificate Course in ECCE, for National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) [earlier National Open School]. This has been published in September, 2000
- Wrote four educational audio scripts and developed more than 150 audio scripts on different themes for the students and teachers at school education level.
- Associated in Development of National Curriculum Framework-2005 and printing of 21 National Focus Group position papers.
- Associated in translation and printing of NCF-2005 into 22 languages included in the VIII schedule of our Constitution
- Developed a series of 13 audio programmes (of 30 minutes duration) on National Focus Group (set up under NCF-2005 process) ideas, which are being marketed by CIET, NCERT in the form of audio CDs.
- Assisted with the Govt. of Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand, Mizoram, Orissa, Bihar and UT of Chandigarh in revision of syllabi, textbooks and teacher education curricula in the light of NCF-2005.
E.Involvement in development and dissemination of National Curriculum Framework (NCF)-2005:
- Since November 2004 working in the Curriculum Group and associated in providing academic support to the group in collection and compilation of data, preparation of materials for the meeting, preparation of minutes of meetings, and preparation of print ready copies of National Curriculum Framework-2005 and 21 National Focus Group position papers and its printing in volumes (Vol. I-Curricular areas, Vol. II - Systemic Reforms and Vol. III - National Concerns) Involved in dissemination of NCF-05 and training and retraining of teachers and teacher educators in different states and UTs through face to face and distance mode (video conferencing through EDUSAT network). Through video conferencing interacted with about 8000 teacher educators of 22 states and UTs. Organised orientation programmes for teachers and teacher educators through face-to-face and distance mode.
F.Involvement in the CABE sub-Committee on Universalisation of Secondary Education(USE)
- August 2004 - December 2004 associated in providing academic support to the group in collection and compilation of data, preparation of materials for the meeting, prepared minutes of two CABE committee meetings etc.
G. Involvement in the Compilation of Quick Review Reports (QRR)
- November 2004 - December 2004, Associated in compilation of Quick Review Reports of 24 Committees constituted to review the NCERT textbooks. The reports along with corrections to be carried out in the textbooks were compiled in three volumes.
Participation in conferences/Workshops and seminars etc. Attended several workshops, seminars and conferences. Few of them are mentioned as under:
A. Papers Presented in the National Seminars/ Conference:
- “Media Intervention in Dalit Education” Paper Presented in the National seminar on Dalits and New Education System, 5-6 March, 98 Organized by Indian Social Institute, Lodhi Road, New Delhi
- “Media Intervention in Early Childhood Education”, A paper presented in the Fourth National Conference on Early Childhood Welfare, Organised by the Deptt. of Education, Panjab University, Chandigarh and Indian National Portage Association from 21st to 22nd December,99
- "Effective Use of Radio Broadcast at School Education Level: Experiences of NCERT", presented a paper in the National Seminar on "Radio Broadcast as a tool of Distance Learning in SARVA SHIKSHA ABHIYAN", organized by DEP-DPEP, IGNOU-NCERT Collaborative Project, New Delhi on 27th and 28th May, 2003
- “Globalisation and Education” A national seminar organized by Chetram Sharma College of Education, NOIDA on 24 March, 07
- “Education for Curriculum Reforms” a national seminar organized by Kalka Institute of Research and studies, New Delhi on 9th march, 07
- Reflections from National Curriculum Framework-2005 presented a paper in the national seminar “National Policy on education and Bhoti Language” organized by National Commission for Minority, Trans-Himalayan Budhist Cultural Association, Parliamentarian Forum and National Minority Commission at New Delhi from 17 t0 18 March, 07 and at Leh, Jammu & Kashmir from October 19 -21, 2008.
- Quality concerns in Teacher Education, presented a paper in the National Seminar on Issues and Challenges in Teacher Education organized by Noida College of Physical Education, Dadri (U.P.) on November 29th, 2008
- Dialectics of Curriculum, Teaching, Learning and Evaluation a paper presented in the “International Seminar on Democratic and Secular Education”, organized by Ministry of Education and Culture, Govt. of Kerala from 4 to 6 December, 2008 at Thiruvananrhapuram.
- “A critique on Microteaching: A feedback device”, prepared and a paper presented in the UGC sponsored National seminar organized by Mahapurusha Haridash Mahavidyalaya (under aegis of Utkal University), Chhatia, Jajpur, Orissa on 29-30 March, 2009.
B. Participation in Workshops as Resource Person:
- As a resource person participated in several training programmes, workshops at state (SCERTs, SIETs, CTEs and DIETs) national (NIE- Departments) KVs, JNVs, GGSIPU, IGNOU) and international level (teacher educators of Afghanisthan, Srilanka, South Africa, UNESCO-IIEP-Paris and United States of America Educational Foundation in India-USEFI).
- ECCE: As a resource person oriented the participants (Teacher Educators) of PG Diploma Course on Early Childhood Education and Care (ECCE) on the concerns of NCF-2005. The course was organised by DEE, NCERT. Also oriented ECCE diploma students of Govt. SCS Autonomous College, Puri, Orissa on the concerns of NCF-2005.
- RIE: M.Ed. Students: As a resource person oriented the M.Ed. students of RIE, Ajmer on media programme production and Media selection and integration.
Awards/commendation received:
- Won University Gold Medal for standing First in M.A. (Education)
- Got Distinction in M.Phil. (Education) Dissertation
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