Standing Waves

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A standing wave. The red dots are the wave nodes. The crest and trough are the anti-nodes

Standing Wave

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Standing Wave

A wave that does not appear to move.
A standing wave or a "stationary wave", is a wave that remains in a constant position.
A standing wave pattern is produced when two sets of identical waves pass through the medium in opposite directions.


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The region of the standing wave where there is minimal or zero displacement

- is a point of rest.
occurs where the crest coincides with the trough = Destructive Interference


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The region of the standing wave where there is maximal displacement

- is a point of maximum disturbance. this occurs where 2 crests, or 2 troughs, coincide = Constructive Interference

External Resources

Standing Waves Rating 1 & 3.clear explanation and easily to understand

Harmonics:Fixed at both ends

Harmonics:Open at both ends

Harmonics:Open end air columns


Heres a link thats like an online interactive textbook. Will answer any questions you might have..: (dhic014)

Another awsome link to teach you all about waves in pipes (closed and open) etc

A little handy hint to help remember each of the harmonics;
For open-ended pipes: the Number of Nodes = the harmonic number (the 3rd harmonic has 3 nodes) The Number of Antinodes = Number of nodes + 1 (3 nodes and 4 antinodes)

A link all about standing waves