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Lecture 1-2

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After these lectures you will be able to:
  1. Describe what a wave is.
  2. Know that waves transport energy but they do not transport mass i.e. the particles in the medium the wave moves through just vibrate about their equilibrium position and once the wave has passed they are returned to their original (equilibrium) position.
  3. Describe what the frequency, amplitude, period and wavelength of a wave are and be able to calculate these quantities given information about a wave.
  4. Calculate the speed, frequency or wavelength of a wave given any two of frequency, speed or wavelength.
  5. State the properties of transverse and longitudinal waves and be able to give an example of each type of wave

Lecture 3

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After this lecture you should be able to:
  1. State the Principle of Superposition.
  2. Describe what Constructive and Destructive interference are and give real world examples of each.
  3. Describe what a standing wave is.
  4. State the conditions necessary for standing waves to occur.
  5. State what nodes and antinodes are.

Lecture 4

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After this lecture you should be able to:
  1. Understand how the Doppler effect arises.
  2. Know how the pitch (frequency) and wavelength of a sound wave changes if the sound source is approaching you, receding from you or moving at right angles to you.
  3. Know what Red shift and Blue shift are.
  4. Give two places the Doppler effect is used (e.g. determining speeds of stars/galaxies towards us or away from us).

Lecture 5

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After this lecture you should be able to:
  1. Explain what beats are and why the occur.
  2. Define the beat frequency ([math]|f_1-f_2|[/math]) and be able calculate it.
  3. Define and determine the beat period.

Lecture 6

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After this lecture you should be able to:
  1. Explain how resonance occurs.
  2. Give examples of resonance.

Lecture 7

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After this lecture you should be able to:
  1. Describe the sound spectrum (infrasound, (audible) sound, ultrasound).
  2. Describe the electromagnetic spectrum( X-rays, UV, Visible, Infrared, Microwaves, etc).

Lecture 8

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After this lecture you should be able to:
  1. Explain mixing colors in terms of human color vision
  2. Describe Polarisation of transverse waves

Lecture 9

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After this lecture you should be able to:
  1. Describe the index of refraction
  2. Define the normal for a flat surface
  3. Describe how light reflects for flat surfaces

Lecture 10

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After this lecture you should be able to:
  1. Describe how light refracts in transparent materials
  2. Describe how light bends when it goes from a low index of refraction to a high index of refraction
  3. Describe how light bends when it goes from a high index of refraction to a low index of refraction
  4. Define Dispersion
  5. Describe how dispersion effects the refracts of white light in transparent materials.

Lecture 11

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After this lecture you should be able to:
  1. Describe different types of lenses (convex, concave, converging, diverging, etc)
  2. Describe how light refracts for the different types of lenses