Geometric Optics

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Principle of Least Time

The path taken between two points by a ray of light is the path that can be traversed in the least time. Another name for the principle of least time is Fermat's principle.


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An imaginary line perpendicular (90 °) to the surface of an optical medium.

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Law of Reflection
  • the angle of incidence equals the angle of reflection
  • [math]\theta_i = \theta_r[/math]

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Index of Refraction
The index of refractive index of a medium is a measure of the reduction in the speed of light inside the medium in comparison to the speed in a vacuum. Also called refractive index.

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Law of Refraction
  • the index of refraction in medium 1 multiplied by the sine of the angle medium 1 equals the index of refraction in medium 2 multiplied by the sine of the angle in medium 2.
  • [math]n_1 \sin(\theta_1) = n_2 \sin(\theta_2)[/math]
  • light rays traveling in a high index medium bend away from the normal when refracting into a lower index medium
  • light rays traveling in a low index medium bend towards the normal when refracting into a higher index medium

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Critical Angle
The angle where refraction occurs at 90 °. Beyond the critical angle there is total internal reflection. The critical angle only exists for rays that are in a high index medium and encounter a boundary with a lower index medium.


the variation of the index of refraction with wavelength.

As a consequence rays with different wavelengths refract at different angles when traveling through a dispersive medium.
