Tourist Destinations/Activities/Different categories
Distinguish and evaluate between different categories of destination (Learning Outcome 2)
Understand and evaluate the complexity of the tourist destination as a tourism product (Learning Outcome 3)
How does a destination become and remain a place where visitors want to visit?
Two destinations - Africa (in particular South Africa) and Vietnam and Cambodia have experienced an increase in tourist numbers over the past few years. Using the resources below and any you collect or experience in this course please complete the following:
South Africa - Safari
1. In what destinational grouping would you place the Nungubane Game Lodge and the products it has to offer? Why?
2. What geographical features are unique to the reserve?
3. What are the products offered as a destination and what makes them so special?
4. Can you identify two target markets, in particular, who would have a high interest in visiting a games reserve as a destination? Please produce evidence of where you gathered this information.
Vietnam and Cambodia
1. In what destinational grouping would you place these countries as destinations?
2. What geographical/cultural/historical features are unique to these countries? (general overview)
3. What tourism products are commonly offered?
4. Where would you place Vietnam on the Tourist Life Cycle? Draw a diagram and place the destination on it.
Which destination would you prefer to visit and why?
Email to me by Monday, September 5 ensuring your name is on the activity
Supporting Resources
- Hanoi reading on the course drive
- Guest Speaker - information from discussion