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Hi Undurthy,

I've just had a look at all the content you've added. It's quite a lot, so I just took an overview. I hope to go through it more thoroughly later on. In certainly looks very interesting and gives some insight as to how your educational institutions are trying to create better feedback mechanisms.Leutha 19:32, 12 September 2008 (UTC)

Leutha (talk)07:32, 13 September 2008

Hai Leutha

Thank you for visiting my pages. I am till working on some research reporting, teacher motivation, action research, evaluation and science process skills. I would like to know your interested areas.


Undurthy (talk)09:21, 28 September 2008

Hi Leutha

Thank you. Please go through my content. Your comments are solicited. I am also adding some content on assessement of science process skills. Please visit


Undurthy (talk)06:00, 2 October 2008