WikiBuddy certification guidance week

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 Hi Harbanji

Thank you for the encouraging words .I wish you too a wonderful week of WikiBuddy Skill development.

Best regards

Balqis Thaahaveettil (talk)01:00, 25 April 2012


 Hi Balqis

                    Your  enthusiasm  to learn is attracting to me. To  learn  animation  as have well expressed  in your userpage needs some training? To learn more I  congratulate  you for  joining  l4content 453  as facilitator?  Will you please guide me to join  as you have joined in  l4content 453  just to learn more? thanks



Harbns (talk)16:44, 29 April 2012

Hi Harban ji ,

I appreciate your eagerness and thank you for your nice words.I just joined the upcoming eL4C53 and was invited to do facilitation .So I joined it .I have not yet done any courses on animation but my students are doing some of this stuff.So they have helped me in this field :)
Best Regards


Balqis Thaahaveettil (talk)23:37, 29 April 2012