White space between news stories

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hi someone,

I know the main page is 'fixed'. Can someone put a bit more white space (line space) between each news story...it looks fairly cramped, and would be easier on these eyes...

--wikirandy 07:58, 26 October 2007 (CEST)

Wikirandy (talk)20:11, 3 December 2007

Randy -

Show me what you mean ... the news page will display differently in each browser and screen resolution ....

What browser are you using? Do you know off hand what your default screen resolution is?

Cheers Wayne

Mackiwg (talk)02:39, 28 October 2007


Take a look again - rather than too much white space, I'm testing a horizontal line. Does this work better?


Mackiwg (talk)02:39, 28 October 2007


This is fabulous....it really works nicely!


- Randy

Wikirandy (talk)02:39, 28 October 2007