Web 2.0 workshop with Mercy Moyo

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Last edit: 21:16, 19 April 2011

Mercy is a vibrant presenter; a pick-me up in the morning. always look forward to her presentations i have learnt some interesting things during the workshop and hope to learn more for the remainder of the workshop. i wish she can also show me how citation management works; i tried this back at work and apparently it needs for me to download Refworks or Zotero first. So Mercy, are you going to show me or not?

I support this, I have also enjoyed Mercy Moyo's presentations during the ITOCA's Web 2.0 Workshops. I have learned a lot and am going to apply everything I learned back at work.

Amatodzi (talk)21:06, 19 April 2011


Nkhangwenimahwa (talk)21:18, 19 April 2011

I agree with you Anna that Citation management is a very interesting topic especially for researchers. For users to be able to know how to use the citation management tools adequate time should be allocated on the training. Unfortunately citation management is not included on the Web 2.0 course curricular that we are running this week. I am going to discuss with Blessing so we can put together a workshop for citation management to which we will invite you. Thank you for your compliments, I am honoured.

Mailele (talk)21:25, 19 April 2011