Warm greetings from Mexico

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Subject Line: Welcome to WikiEducator!

Greetings Rima

I'm your WikiNeighbour. Welcome to our dynamic community of 80,796 WikiEducators. We have created 157,474 pages and WE are growing every day. Useful links:

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Gladys Gahona. --chela5808 18:08, 28 January 2009 (UTC)

Chela5808 (talk)07:08, 29 January 2009

Hi Rima,

I resized your nice pic. I also made some minor adjustments to your text.

Cheers, Gladys Gahona--chela5808 01:24, 2 February 2009 (UTC)

Chela5808 (talk)14:24, 2 February 2009