Warm Greetings from Cancun, Mex.

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Thanks Gladys. I will soon add some botany pictures to this section. Warm Wishes. GitaGita Mathur 10:41, 7 December 2008 (UTC)

Gita Mathur (talk)23:41, 7 December 2008

Gita, My Best wishes for this new year. You are a VSWE (Very Special WikiEducator :-)). Warm Warm Hugs Gladys --chela5808 11:10, 31 December 2008 (UTC)

Chela5808 (talk)00:10, 1 January 2009

Gladys dear, thanks for the wishes. Hope this New Year will bring new growth rings of friendship for us and for WikiEducator(s). You are a wonderful find for this year for me. Friendly affectionate hugs. Gita Gita Mathur 15:55, 31 December 2008 (UTC)

Gita Mathur (talk)04:55, 1 January 2009

Dear Gita:

I can't wait to see the images on each Botany term definition. Please upload wonderful pictures. I've been always interested in science topics. When I was a child I used to spend hours in my home's backyard with a magnifier in my hand searching for all forms of life in the ground or admiring the beauty of flowers and plants!!


Gladys G.--chela5808 14:43, 7 February 2009 (UTC)

Chela5808 (talk)03:43, 8 February 2009

Dear Gladys
Nice to read your note. I had started this Glossary of Botanical terms but could not give time to it due to my workshop and then the college house exams and Ecology projects of my students. Hence I did not even announce about it on the discussion thread. I have treasures of photos to upload....just wait a little. Warm Hugs. Gita Gita Mathur 11:10, 9 February 2009 (UTC)

Gita Mathur (talk)00:10, 10 February 2009