The "Permission" Section

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Hello everybody,

It's the tutorial 6 already. Time really flies. Well, in the first activity of Licenses in tutorial 6 last bulleted point it has been said to scroll down to the "Permission" Section. There is no heading as such, it is where there is Private Policy, Terms of Use, Disclaimers, etc. Am I right?

Hoping to have a reply soon. Thank you.

Tzaynah (talk)22:41, 24 November 2010

Hi Tzaynah, I think it means to scroll down on the image page [[1]] which is linked to in the previous bullet point. When you go to that image page, when you scroll down below the image you will find a table with several fields, one of which is 'permissions'. The screencast that is linked there ([2]) will show you how to generate that data. Hope this helps! --Fabiana Kubke 12:24, 24 November 2010 (UTC)

Kubke (talk)00:24, 25 November 2010

hello, thanks Fabiana for your reply, yes I have been able too see it. Thank you again. --Zaynah 07:27, 25 November 2010 (UTC)

Tzaynah (talk)19:27, 25 November 2010