Testing WikiEducator's Threaded discussion tool

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Last edit: 14:12, 7 August 2008

John I'm still learning more about this, but am undecided if it is easier to follow than a more structured thread. Cliff

Cliffunner (talk)14:04, 7 August 2008

Cliff --

I think you're doing exeptionaly well -- in the beginning the wiki way needs a little time to get used to --- but once the bug bites, there's no holding back!!!

Mackiwg (talk)14:13, 7 August 2008

This structure kind of looks like a blog.

Drdeen76 (talk)06:43, 8 August 2008

I agree! I had no idea there were so many options. This can be a bit overwhelming at first and I am not sure that I have met all of the requirements. :)

Bakershelly (talk)08:43, 8 August 2009