A course with appeal

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I have a decade's worth of experience doing this face to face, and i think i'm ready to get this 'out of my head' and down in activities in the wiki to help others. Basically, we just ditch the technical terms for the notes and for a while i just refer to them as 'the blobs'. This tells the students, heh, don't worry, perfection is not needed. Reduce the stress and feeling stupid about not knowing stuff. Then we just look for when the blogs go up and down. Then we look for when they stay the same. Then when we have the hang of that, we start to look for when the blogs take leaps, rather than short steps up or down. It happens parallel to singing by ear ie learning by listening, so the 2 processes of 'knowing' a song or some music happen in parallel. Over time, the process of "knowing" starts to get ahead and help the doing as it happens, rather than just being awareness afterwards. It is really good to articulate this process, which has been partially intuitive for years...

Slambert (talk)13:01, 23 April 2015