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Contact-new.svg Sarah Lambert
Employer:University of Wollongong
Occupation:Manager UOW Open Strategy

Sarah Lambert is the Manager of Open Education and is the University Of Wollongong's (UOW) representative to the Open Education Resource University (OERu). Currently she is developing policy, procedures and communities to support Open Education. She is an innovator by nature, and has been working in roles related to the management of innovation and elearning services for around 15 years. Sarah has a B.A. in Communications and a Master of Business Administration. Sarah also has many years of university teaching and curriculum design experience in the Design and Marketing fields at both UTS and UOW. During her time teaching at University she has integrated innovative teaching technologies into her practice and has a particular area of expertise in Web 2.0 and social media tools for teaching, syncronous and asyncromous communication tools for teaching, the Wordpress blogging platform, and ePortfolios. Ms Lambert has also published and presented at conferences in these areas over many years. In earlier roles Ms Lambert was a radio journalist and then ran her own graphic design and multimedia studio, developing major multimedia products for ABCOnline and with investment funding from the Australian Film Commission.

More information, work samples, and video interviews can be seen at my LinkedIn profile