Strategy Assignment I

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Lions, To start the ball rolling, I will ask each one of you to give us an update on the progress made to date on the assignment.

Lets share our experiences and challenges on the assignment.

JEREMIAH CHAPHXANYA (talk)07:15, 4 May 2009

Profile of ACE

I hope you all have seen my contribution posted on Monday last week. It is essentially based on the information from the 10K form.

Anyone with any questions on the profile of ACE?

5 mins?

JEREMIAH CHAPHXANYA (talk)07:18, 4 May 2009

the usual work challenge. trying to effectively combine the two. working on the internal and external environment of ACE. the materials are quite large, trying to isolate the unrelated areas. hopefully to submit my contribution before the week runs out.

Akachi Ngwu (talk)07:20, 4 May 2009

The information for ACE is vast and as such it takes time to condense the data otherwise for strategic management case study its well suited. I did mine when i was under presure as such there a couple of human errors like spelling etc

Hove (talk)07:24, 4 May 2009

Hove ,

Thanks I saw your submission.

JEREMIAH CHAPHXANYA (talk)07:26, 4 May 2009

In terms of the External enivironment, you basically need to look at the challenges facing the insurance industry at the moment. These include:

External factors - High level of litigation - High frequncy of Catasphroic events - changes in legislation mainly driven by the drive towards climate change - Stricetr regulatory regimes

Internal factors - Solvency matters - Poor investments on balance sheet - Profitability of the business - Availability of technical Underwriting skills

JEREMIAH CHAPHXANYA (talk)07:25, 4 May 2009

thank, jerry. your suggestions will be helpful.

Akachi Ngwu (talk)07:34, 4 May 2009

Ithink on the External environment u may include the following cab be included: competition in the environment, consumer need changes and what Jeremiah has said.

Internal: Capital base, liquidity position and qualified human resource.

Hove (talk)07:43, 4 May 2009

--Kay go 18:38, 3 May 2009 (UTC)i share the same sentiment as Akachi, not only do i have work but i have a young sister who is getting married, i am the only elder brother so i'l leave the rest to your imagination. i'l also submit my contribution within the next couple of days

Kay go (talk)07:38, 4 May 2009

Regarding the 1 point of the assignment, which is strategy management, I did the 5 phase process as per the book and put some theory together with evidence I could get from the overview you sent, the website and the annual report 2008. i got challenges when I got to phase 3 (crafting the strategy)and 4 (executing the startegy) of the process, because I do not know how the teams interact in ACE to contribute to the different steps on the startegy. Do you have any idea how we can overcome this?--Luisaserra 18:22, 3 May 2009 (UTC)

Luisaserra (talk)07:22, 4 May 2009
Edited by 0 users.
Last edit: 07:31, 4 May 2009


I wont give you a specific answer, but a nmore generic one.

The Office of the CEO is supported by a Corporate Strategy Team that is responsible to build up market intelligence which is then used by the CEO on key strategy issues. Essentially the leadership team of the company, which is made up of executive management use the market intelligence to craft the corporate strategy.

The subsidiaries then build their SBU strategy around the corporate strategy ensuring that it is in line with the corporate view.

JEREMIAH CHAPHXANYA (talk)07:31, 4 May 2009

Thanks, please read what I have written in the assignment around these 2 points and let's email during the week when you ahve time so I can finalised. we will give it the best shot.--Luisaserra 18:35, 3 May 2009 (UTC)

Luisaserra (talk)07:35, 4 May 2009


In terms of execution, the CEO has the ultimate responsibility to implement and monitor the success of the group strategy. The board has oversight duties to ensure that: - the strategy is in sync with the company vision and mission statement - effective implimentation - monitoring key benchmarks such as expenses, sales value and volume, etc...

On a day to day basis, the executive management has a duty to implement the strategy and support the CEO.

JEREMIAH CHAPHXANYA (talk)07:36, 4 May 2009

Hi Jeremiah, I forgot the board, and the board role is very critical, i will definetly improve on it by tomorrow.--Luisaserra 18:39, 3 May 2009 (UTC)

Luisaserra (talk)07:39, 4 May 2009

the usual work challenge. trying to effectively combine the two. working on the internal and external environment of ACE. the materials are quite large, trying to isolate the unrelated areas. hopefully to submit my contribution before the week runs out.

Akachi Ngwu (talk)07:30, 4 May 2009


Any challenges we can aways discuss.

JEREMIAH CHAPHXANYA (talk)07:37, 4 May 2009