Purpose of this page?

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Should this be more specific: links and brief descriptions of WikiEducator activities in South Africa?

I suspect we could direct people elsewhere for an overview of education in South Africa (e.g. DoE and perhaps some of the associations' web sites: SAIDE, SchoolNets, etc.) ... and perhaps indicate regional activities (with links to DEASA, NADEOSA, ...)?

Ktucker (talk)03:39, 12 October 2007
Edited by author.
Last edit: 13:34, 4 October 2007


From my perspective this page should be a hub for people to connect with each other around WikiEducator related activities in South Africa. A node for different teams to evolve in moving free content development forward in ways that are relevant and appropriate for South Africa.

For context I think it is valuable to include links related initiatives. I also think that there is scope for regional nodes as well - good examples being FLOSS4Edu and Wiki_Pasifika.

That said - these nodes should evolve the wiki way in that the contributors determine the structure and content for their respective country pages. What do you think?

I guess a good question to ask would be - What would the average WikiEducator user expect to find on the country page?

Looking at the existing page - I think that it needs a critical revision :-)

Chat to you soon.

Mackiwg (talk)03:39, 12 October 2007

Ok, restructured - another temporary model. We (i.e. including you whoever you are reading this :-) should probably think about the use cases/scenarios - the goals of the visitors. This might lead to something totally different in terms of structure.

e.g. Find Wikieducators in southern Africa, find organisations using it, contribute a course/tutorial, etc., learn about ..., tell a story, find out what is happening (news), etc.

Ktucker (talk)03:39, 12 October 2007